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Named unusual breast cancer symptoms

Названы необычные симптомы рака молочной железыEverything a woman should know about breast cancer.

Today, October 20, the world celebrates the Day against breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women.

Forewarned is forearmed. We will talk about the unusual signs of disease and prevention.

Common breast cancer symptoms – breast lump, discharge, and inverted nipple.

3 unusual symptom of breast cancer

Back pain

Often the back pain we perceive as fatigue. Because this often happens if long to sit at the laptop or carry the baby in her arms, cradling them to sleep. If there was pain in the back, which, by their nature, nagging and worries often during the day, is a chance to appeal to mammologist. Also the pain may be in interscapular region.

Peel off the skin of the breast

Women know that in autumn our skin lacks vitamins and it is often flaking and redness appear. But this phenomenon may indicate the presence of breast cancer. The thing is that the tumor secretes toxic substances that are allergens for the skin.

The asymmetry of the Breasts

Of course, women know that Breasts are asymmetrical, but only slightly. If you notice that one breast has become larger in a short time, to delay the examination impossible.

The insidious cancer that the disease begins to show external signs at 3-4 stages of the latter, when medicine can be powerless.

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