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Named the unique properties of walnuts

Названы уникальные свойства грецких ореховThey are especially beneficial for heart health.

The fact that nuts are very nutritious and healthy, a well-known fact, and that walnuts can provide the most benefits for your health.

They are rich in nutrients and contain:

Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids
vitamin B6
Walnuts can protect your heart

In 2014, the study, conducted by Dr. penny Kris etherton, it has been proven that walnuts may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 30%. Simply consume a handful of walnuts or walnut oil four days a week. Increase dose to 5 times a week or more reduces the risk by 40% .

The study showed “significant” improvement in cholesterol levels and flexibility of blood vessels, which helps smooth blood circulation is four hours after people consumed either peeled nuts or nut oil.

Research suggests regular consumption would protect against cardiovascular diseases.

Details of the study.

The study involved 15 people with high levels of cholesterol in the blood. And applied four methods of treatment — two handfuls of walnuts (85 g, without the shell ), six grams of peeled walnuts, 34 g of pulp of nuts and three tablespoons of peanut butter.

The researchers studied the reaction of patients after 30 minutes, an hour, two hours, four hours and six hours.

They found that consumption of walnut oil — also found in shell of nuts — improves the health of blood vessels after 4 hours.

In other words, eating just two handfuls of walnuts can provide almost instant protection from cardiovascular disease.

Moreover, it is believed that most of the antioxidants found in the skins of walnuts, making it one of the most useful parts, so make sure you do not scrub them before eating!

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