Home / Medicine / Named the best exercises for a beautiful oval face.

Named the best exercises for a beautiful oval face.

Названы лучшие упражнения для красивого овала лица They will help to keep youth and beauty of skin.

Special exercises and detox programs that improve the synthesis of collagen, will help, if not completely deal with the problem, then at least make it less noticeable.

Down the cheeks, slightly sagging eyelids, oval loses its distinct form, often there is the effect of the “extra” skin of the eyelids, but the wrinkles are very few – is one type of skin aging, which is associated with a large margin of subcutaneous fat. At some point, when the body slows down the synthesis of collagen, the collagen frame can no longer cope with the weight that subcutaneous fat and sagging.

The impression that the person “floats” down. First, the changes apply only to cheeks, but over time they appear on the eyelids.

At risk are usually full of women and girls with chubby faces of children. In this case, say beauticians need to be especially careful with the weight loss. Do not abruptly drop the weight, otherwise it will immediately appear traces of age changes.

What to do? First, use cosmetics, accelerating the production of collagen (retinol, minerals, phytoestrogens, vitamin C). Second, pay attention to the detox programs. One of the reasons for the destruction of the collagen fibers – accumulation of toxins in the skin. It is because of them the protein collagen eventually sticks together and ceases to perform its main task – to maintain skin elasticity.

Well, the main thing – gymnastics. Pay procedure, five to seven minutes a day, repeating each exercise 10-15 times. To gymnastics brought the desired result, do it slowly and with little tension.

Fold pucker, then slowly return to starting position.

Slide the lips first to one, then the other side (to strengthen the jawline).

Cheeks inflate and release the air, slamming them together.

Widely open your eyes, hold this position for a few seconds and relax.

This exercise prevents wrinkles around the eyes.

Mordivia and relax the nose (an excellent prevention education longitudinal nasolabial folds).

Clearly say the sounds a, e, and O.

Laugh more, it will make your mouth more beautiful.

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