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Named the best colors for concentration

Названы лучшие цвета для концентрации вниманияAn interesting study by Australian scientists.

Students say they prefer to learn in a room with pale flowers, which they consider to be the most relaxing, but the researchers say that bright colors work much better. Australian experts from Curtin University advise students who are preparing for a difficult exam, to paint the walls in yellow and red colors, as bright a room can improve concentration.

In the course of the study, students were asked to read a portion of the work, and then to answer various questions. All the students were in rooms of six different colors, including
pale and bright shades of blue and red and yellow. The obtained data showed that the students ‘ understanding of the read was significantly higher in bright rooms – red and yellow.

According to experts, bright colors is able to improve the performance of learning, a positive effect on the psychological and physiological state. Thus, if reading is difficult for bright light conditions can increase arousal to the optimal level, increasing the focus and improving the understanding of the text.

Several previous studies have shown that red and yellow are more stimulating than blue and green. For example, the pulse rate of students increased in red and yellow quarters, but dropped in the room blue.

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