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Effective treatment of dandruff folk remedies

Эффективное лечение перхоти народными средствамиDandruff: why it appears and how to get rid of it forever?

Such trouble as dandruff is familiar to us firsthand. From time to time she appears everyone. But why it arises and how to get rid of it once and for all?

The appearance of white flakes in the hair makes nervous everyone.

So as not to worry if frequent shampooing does not help, and small white flakes of dandruff spoil not only the appearance but also the mood. In order to begin to deal with this nuisance, you must first determine the nature of the occurrence of seborrhea is the name of dandruff.

Dandruff: causes

You’d be surprised, but experts claim that dandruff there is absolutely all people, that’s just it bothers some much more often. According to research, the top layer of the scalp is refreshed every 25-30 days. But if the body occur some changes, the cycle is broken and reduced to 6 years.

The most common cause of this is improper diet, lifestyle, stress, overwork. It affects the functioning of the immune system that appears on the protective functions of the organism as a whole, and scalp in particular. It is for this reason the fungus Pityrosporum Ovale, which is found in the scalp is absolutely all people, starts to proliferate, which leads to disruption of the process of saloobrazovanie. The slightest shift in the direction of increasing and decreasing the allocation of sebaceous secretion in the skin causes the hair of white flakes of dry skin.

The types of seborrhea
There are two kinds of dandruff: dry seborrhea and dry. When excess sebum secretion occurs oily seborrhea. Its main symptoms: skin irritation, itching, scalp covered with sticky scales, hair quickly garnaut, frequent shampooing does not help. By the way, in this case, washing your hair too often with inappropriate shampoo stimulates even more secretion of sebaceous secretion, and the problem is compounded. Dry seborrhea can often be confused with the basic dryness of the scalp, which can appear when changing the shampoo, but the dryness can be fast and dry dandruff will get worse. If you have any doubts, to diagnose dandruff, you can contact a specialist: a trichologist or a dermatologist.

How to get rid of dandruff?
First and foremost try to eliminate the factors that can cause dandruff. We have listed above. You also need to adjust your diet, eliminating from the menu spicy, fatty, sweet, too salty and smoked products. Bear in mind that the lack of fluid in the body can also cause dryness of the skin, and therefore, the appearance of dandruff, especially in the summer. So do not neglect the advice of experts to consume at least 1.5-2 liters of water a day.

You also need to pay attention to hair care. You can start to make different hair masks, which were used even by our grandmothers. A homemade mask is a wonderful component of therapy of dandruff in any way. The mask should be used regularly, a course of 8-10 masks.

Homemade mask from dry dandruff

Egg yolk, castor oil, calendula tincture.

Mix one egg yolk, one tablespoon of castor oil and a teaspoon of tincture of calendula. Thoroughly rubbed into the scalp, to keep under polyethylene and towel for up to 2 hours, to wash using shampoo. Apply this mask 2 times a week for 1-2 months.

Hair mask from oily dandruff

— Lemon juice

Lemon juice is a great remedy for oily scalp with dandruff. Dilute the lemon juice by half with water and RUB into the scalp. Leave for 15-20 minutes and the usual way to wash your hair. Use this mask 2 times a week for months.

— Tincture of calendula

Massage into scalp of alcohol tincture of calendula, half an hour later the head can be washed. Tincture fights fungus causing dandruff, and strengthens hair. You can mix the tincture of calendula, castor or burdock oil. Apply for half an hour, then rinse with shampoo.

— Aloe Vera juice

To use aloe snap off a few lower leaves of aloe and put it in the fridge for a few days. After that aloe Vera juice can be rubbed into the scalp, not washing. Aloe promotes both the General improvement of the skin and its hydration, and most importantly eliminates oily dandruff.

— Nettle

50 grams of nettle to boil in 500 ml of water for 10-15 minutes. The grass squeeze and apply the paste on the scalp for 1.5-2 hours, and then wash my hair, dry the hair and to rinse their remaining nettle broth. To use this mask 2 times a week.

— Yogurt, yolk, any base oil

4 tablespoons of yogurt add 1 tbsp of any base oil (olive, burdock, castor) and egg yolk. The hair before applying the mask wash is not necessary.

Distribute the mixture throughout the length of the hair and thoroughly RUB into the scalp. To keep under polyethylene and towel for about two hours, rinse with shampoo. The effect is noticeable field the first mask. Use the mask 2-3 times a week.

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