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Named products, cleansing the joints from salts

Названы продукты, очищающие суставы от солейHow to maintain healthy joints.

To prolong youthfulness of the joints, clean off the salt accumulation is possible, if you add certain foods in your diet.

To improve joint function and to maintain their health, enough to lead an active lifestyle, give up bad habits and, of course, to add to your diet these products.

Fig. Rice has the property to “pull” salts, which are deposited in the joints. Preferably the rice soak in water, then briefly cooking without salt.

Radish. Include in your diet salad with black and green radish 100 grams for the day. This product is useful for joints and body in General.

Greens. Parsley and celery are helpful for the joints. While the greens can not only add fresh to salads, but to brew teas.

Dandelions. This plant is medicinal and is useful not only for joints, it also is a powerful tool for the prevention of and the fight against cancer. You can add a herb in salads or to prepare a tincture of dandelion. The flowers of dandelions to put in a jar, pour vodka and insist in a cool dark place for about two weeks. Use tincture to one teaspoonful in half glass of water for two weeks in the morning.

Sunflower. Very well eliminate salt deposits from the joints teas from the roots of the bearberry, field horsetail, knotweed, sunflower, and pumpkin tails and watermelon peels. All these herbal products can be brewed with boiling water, and a little to eat. The course is two weeks.
Eat right and be healthy!

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