Home / Medicine / Named nine signs of malnutrition

Named nine signs of malnutrition

Названы девять признаков неправильного питанияWhen your body gets harmful to it supply – it will let you know, it is only necessary to be able to see it.

They say that all diseases – from nerves. Not all, but many health problems arise from improper nutrition. If you give your body what you like the taste, but does not fit him – he will let you know with skin problems, digestion, headaches, malaise, and other troubles.

If you have at least 2 signs from the list – that means we need to change the diet:


Inflammation and skin rashes always indicate that the body that something is wrong. One of the causes of acne – liver problems, which cannot cope with processing large quantities of toxins coming from food, and therefore brings them through the skin.


The accumulation of toxins also contributes to the recruitment of extra pounds. To reduce the toxic load of the body increases the number of fat cells and holds water to keep internal organs from harmful substances.


This trouble is the female part of humanity occurs due to the accumulation fat cells of toxins, fluids and waste products of other cells. When this harmful burden becomes too much – form “orange peel”.


If you are harassed headaches – this may be due to disorders of the intestine due to junk food, frequent use of alcohol and strong medicines. Headaches also can cause a food Allergy.

Sour belching or heartburn

Such consequences may arise due to the fact that the body has to digest too greasy, heavy or spicy food.


For the body is the fastest way to get accumulated harmful substances.


So the body enters when it cannot digest the junk food. Then, the undigested food accumulates and rots in some part of the digestive tract. People who eat poorly, often for a long period of constipation, interrupted with short bouts of diarrhea.

Fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness

The body of people who do not eat, not getting enough energy – and as a result gets tired quickly from even a short activity.

According to

When the body lacks energy, many resort to stimulants instead of to change diet. Coffee, cigarettes, sugar, energy drinks, alcohol, in the worst case, drugs. All this, of course, will not supply the body with energy, but only will cause more exhaustion.

As mentioned above, if you see these signs in yourself, appreciate your daily menu and try to follow advice about nutrition.

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