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Named as the main causes of breast cancer

Названы основные причины возникновения рака грудиWho called 10 main precipitating factors.

According to the disappointing statistics provided by the world health organization, breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide.

Every sixth case of detection of a malignant tumor accounted for by this variety.

About half a million women die every year from breast cancer or related diseases. Most of them live in countries with a low level of diagnostics and treatment of oncological diseases. In North America successfully defeat cancer in its early stages 8 out of 10 women, slightly below the rate in Sweden and Japan – 6 out of 10. In the countries of Eastern Europe with cancer are able to handle only 4 women out of 10 cases.

This trend is due to the lack of special programs for the early diagnosis of breast cancer. This leads to detection of tumors in the later stages, which complicates the prognosis for the patient and makes the treatment less effective.

In our country annually show 16 000 new cases of breast cancer, which makes this problem not only medical but also social. The main efforts of today’s scientists directed on struggle against oncological diseases and their prevention, which for many women is the only chance to maintain their health.

In his report on the subject of breast cancer experts who identified the main causes of the disease, stressing that many of these excluded by virtue of every woman:

Breast cancer among close relatives increases the risk of tumor development in 2-3 times. Certain mutations, particularly in BRCA1, BRCA2 and p53, significantly increase the likelihood of developing breast cancer. However, according to scientists, these mutations are rare and account for only a small percentage of the total number of breast cancer cases.

So, the main factors of the disease:

Early onset of menstruation.
Late age at menopause.
Later, the birth of the first child.
Hormonal therapy.
Excess weight and obesity.
Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages.
Low physical activity.
A small period of breastfeeding. Because, as you know, breastfeeding has protective properties. (IARC, 2008, Lacey et al., 2009)
Lack of regular medical monitoring of the health status of women.

Regular doctor visits, proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle to maintain the health of every woman!

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