Home / Economy / More than 600 British economists opposed the Kingdom’s exit from EU

More than 600 British economists opposed the Kingdom’s exit from EU

Более 600 британских экономистов выступили против выхода Королевства из ЕС

More than 600 leading British economists have opposed the release of the United Kingdom from the European Union, calling the consequences of this step for the negative growth of the economy, the newspaper the Observer, published the results of a study of the sociological service Ipsos.

So, 82% of the experts from 639 of the respondents believe that the termination of membership in the EU “will have a negative impact on the incomes of British families”. Another 57% believe that the rupture of relations with Brussels “will undermine economic growth and reduce GDP by 3% over the next five years,” the newspaper notes.

The vast majority of professionals – 72% – predict the impact of negative consequences “brekzita” (Brexit – the abbreviation of the phrase British exit , “British exit”) on economic growth in the long term, 10-20 years, reports TASS.

However, on may 16 nearly 300 major business and industry sector of great Britain has addressed to inhabitants of the country in an open letter with an appeal to vote for the Kingdom’s exit from the European Union on the upcoming referendum.

May 17 from a survey of public opinion, it became known that the majority of Britons at the scheduled for June 23, the referendum is going to vote for secession from the European Union.

Recall that a referendum on UK membership in the EU will be held June 23. The government has estimated that the annual cost every British family in the case of the United Kingdom from the EU will amount to 4.3 million pounds (about 6.1 thousand of dollars).

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