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Methods of contraception – how to choose the most reliable

Методы контрацепции – как выбрать самый надежныйWhat method of contraception to choose, considering a lot of inconvenience, side effects and unpleasant nuances.

Condoms, IUDs, hormonal pills, suppositories, creams, caps.

Methods of protection from unwanted pregnancy – weight, but which one is best to choose?


Gynecologists believe condoms are an ideal contraceptive method for adolescents. The arguments are simple – teenagers are very irregular and chaotic sex life. Few of them have a permanent partner, most of the young men and women are in search of, and therefore frequently change sexual partners. Thus, contraception for adolescents should be protected not only from unwanted pregnancy but also from sexually transmitted diseases and HIV infection. The condom meets all these requirements. Moreover, it is convenient, easy to operate and affordable.

Birth control pills

Hormonal contraceptives will perfectly fit Mature women (after 25 years) who fully trust their partner. The last condition is very important because this kind of contraception does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Gynecologists recognize that oral contraceptives do well with hormonal imbalances, and therefore they are often prescribed to women with irregular menstrual cycles who are experiencing severe menstrual pain, complaining of acne and excessive hair growth on the face and hands. But girls under the age of 25 hormone pills is better not to take. The fact that at such a young age, their body continues to grow and change. Hormones are also constantly fluctuating, so to choose the right birth control pills at this age is quite difficult. Do not take hormonal contraceptives and women with diabetes, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and the presence of fibroids and cysts.


The intrauterine device (IUD) is a plastic (copper, silver or gold plated) design of T-shaped form, which the gynaecologist introduces into the uterus and leaves for a long time. The shelf life of the Navy from 3 to 5 years. The spirals are of two types: regular and gormonoterapii. Gynecologists believe that they both are perfect parous women with one sexual partner, because the IUD does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. It should be noted that hormonal spiral will perfectly fit women of 40-45 years, in which age formed progesterona failure. By installing such a spiral, it is possible to restore hormonal balance, making it easier for the woman’s transition to menopause. But nulliparous women is better to choose a different kind of protection from unwanted pregnancy, because an IUD may injure the inner wall of the uterus and cause infertility. Not suitable IUD and women with inflammatory, infectious and viral diseases of the genital organs (colpitis, vaginitis, herpes, cytomegalovirus, or any sexually transmitted infection). As well as ladies diagnosed with cervical erosion or fibroids.

Barrier methods

To barrier methods of contraception include various diaphragms, sponges, creams, vaginal suppositories. They are convenient in that they can be used any day of the cycle, they can be applied directly before intercourse (all barrier contraceptives are introduced into the vagina, and diaphragms and caps are placed on the cervix). In addition, barrier contraceptives do not affect the hormonal background of women, what makes them perfect for lactating mothers. The active ingredients of most vaginal creams and suppositories – chloride benzalconia and non-axial – not only paralyze the sperm, but also protect from sexually transmitted infections. However, these contraceptives have a number of disadvantages, the main of them – a high probability of “misfiring”, the result of which may come unwanted pregnancy (3 to 11 %). Therefore, gynecologists recommend a days of ovulation and 2-3 days before and after the event) to insure and excluding vaginal creams to apply and a condom.

Thanks for the help in material preparation the gynecologist of the highest category of the Kiev Center for family planning, sexology, andrology and human reproduction Jeanne Dimanovo.

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