Home / Business / Media: “rostec” will the disposal of military equipment of the defense Ministry

Media: “rostec” will the disposal of military equipment of the defense Ministry

СМИ: "Ростех" займется утилизацией военной техники Минобороны РФ

The state Corporation “rostec” will join the process of utilization of armaments, military and special equipment, being on balance of the Ministry of defense, told the newspaper “Kommersant” several sources in the military-industrial complex.

According to them, the Corporation plans to proceed with elimination of missile and artillery weapons, aircraft and armored equipment, small arms and electronic equipment, and communication equipment and automated control systems. Previously this was done for military units holding “Oboronservis” (now “the Garrison”). Now defense companies are engaged in recycling of ammunition and gunpowder with expired period of storage.

Established system of industrial waste disposal of redundant weapons, military and special equipment solve the problem of maintaining the combat readiness of equipment of the armed forces of the Russian Federation”, believe in “assistance”. The proposal, which the head of the company Sergey Chemezov stated in a letter to the head of the defense Ministry Sergei Shoigu in late 2015 (a copy is available to the Newspapers) support in the defense Ministry, say sources.

“Formed a special working group on this issue, by the military headed by Deputy Minister Dmitry Bulgakov, on the part of the state Corporation — first Deputy General Director Vladimir Artyakov. The first meeting was held in the beginning of the year, now agreed the date and agenda of next”, — told “Kommersant” one of the sources.

The newspaper’s source in the defense Ministry said that the proposal “Rostec” feasible, only that you need to “run” a diagram with the transfer of equipment for disposal. A source in the sphere of military-technical cooperation noted that for international customers, the advantages are less obvious. “Everyone wants to get new equipment, but when it is removed from production, the options they have is a bit: either to buy the product on the side not covered by the guarantee, or to take second hand parts — but under our responsibility,” he explained.

Today in Russia the Federal target program “Industrial disposal of weapons and military equipment for 2011-2015 and for the period till 2020”. On average per year for this program is allocated more than 2 billion rubles. For recycling attracted a total of several dozen companies.

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