Home / Business / Media: on the day of the visit of Patriarch Kirill under the Eagle massacre in the Church

Media: on the day of the visit of Patriarch Kirill under the Eagle massacre in the Church

СМИ: в день визита патриарха Кирилла под Орлом устроили резню в церкви

In Orel region the man with a knife attacked people. The attack took place in the Church in Verbnice Hotynetskogo area, the criminal is detained.

As reported by “Orlovskie Novosti” with reference to eyewitnesses, the woman stabbed to death, another wounded.

The victim was a newcomer from Bryansk, the victim — the inhabitant of Voronezh.

Solves a question on excitation of criminal case under article “Murder”.

While it is impossible to say sane if the organizer of the massacre, is questioning him. The reasons why the man attacked the congregation, is established.

July 28 at the eagle, is visiting the head of the ROC Patriarch Kirill, the newspaper notes.

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