Home / Culture / Mass culture is terrible atomic bombs: wider sector of defeat

Mass culture is terrible atomic bombs: wider sector of defeat

Массовая культура страшней атомной бомбы: шире сектор поражения

After the advent of nuclear weapons it became obvious that the attempt to power control the world is futile. Given the sad experience of the great, Napoleon and Hitler a and had understood that the rate should be not on military power. But only in the 20th century with the development of such massive sources of information like radio, television and the Internet, the opportunity with them to efficiently manage huge masses of people.

For this reason, States and supranational structures have become increasingly invested in mind control, which in turn provided control over information flows. It’s not just about TV channels, news agencies and Newspapers. Not the least influence the minds of citizens the cinema, popular music, glossy magazines, etc.

From this point of view, the products of Hollywood in the first place not fun, but a management tool, which is now aimed at the destruction of the basic values and degradation of the person. As the purposes for which the factory of stars – anti-human, its movies and cartoons could be called an information weapon.

A nuclear bomb over a large area destroys material objects, and well made, but is harmful at its core the film causing enormous spiritual damage to millions of people.

Although it is possible to ask: why the film industry of the United States or other countries are systematically working to degradation of its own citizens? The answer is simple: Hollywood is run by not only the American elite, but also of supranational structures that are engaged in global politics and did not see their future exclusively with the American people. All other Nations is perceived as biomass, which can and must parasitize.


To better understand the impact of a movie, TV series, transmission or any other media on man, you can make a comparison with the process of eating. From a hamburger you will not die and will not even notice the harmful effect, but it is necessary to introduce fast food to your permanent diet, as the disease will not keep you waiting.

And how food affects the physical health of the person, information on his mental and spiritual condition. For example, all products of the Russian TV channel TNT with its charlatans-psychics, and the “House-2” is poisoned food, the same burgers that are destroying you spiritually, gradually turning into a subhuman. And in the case of youth and children – initially block for them the opportunity to become fully human. The abundance of vulgarity, perversion, cynicism and stupidity – this is similar to flavor enhancers used in food industry. Society seems to entertain him, while actually destroying it.

To be “out of policy” – means to be a victim to someone else’s policy; to be “beyond information warfare” means to be a victim of the information war, the grass on the battlefield.

But the vast majority of the population today does not understand, and any attempt to have this conversation with an audience ends with a phrase in the style of “I saw brutal action, but anyone after that has not killed.” You ate a hamburger and died, but that doesn’t mean he had no effect upon you. A lack of understanding of how to build management processes, allows us to feed millions of people harmful information fast food for their money.

Maintaining illiteracy in these matters aims to be a global system, including education, where issues of personal information security are not affected in principle, and nutrition. People learn a lot, but do not teach the chief how to maintain your mental health, how to manage themselves and their lives. People who can’t control themselves, inevitably become objects of control and guides the will of others.


Management of the General illiterate in these matters of society is realized through the formation of mass culture. Mass culture is essentially the environment in which placed. In the company of smokers will increase a smoker in a society of criminals is a criminal. There are exceptions, but they do not change the overall picture.

After the defeat of the Soviet Union in the cold war worldwide, including in our country, virtually no alternative dominates Western popular culture. To be protected from it it is impossible, as it penetrates together with iPhones, is militants and technosphere, created mainly by the West.

Promoted ideology boils down to two main appeals: “take everything from life” and “live fast, die young”.

The main obstacle in the way of this ideology – and for this reason the main object of attack is the institution of the family. Family implies a concern for the future, and therefore care about the world. Family is impossible without concepts of loyalty, modesty, chastity, caring for others, thoughts about Home and the meaning of life. But instead, on TV, in movies, in magazines, on stage, in video games is dominated by images of banality, vulgarity, violence, primitiveness and stupidity. And the theme of love and family mercilessly distort and undermine a show like “House-2” or “let’s get married”. Of course, to brainwash in the first place trying to children and young people.

The Department of mass culture relies on three main tools: institutions premiums, financial flows and control of the national media. In particular, the American Academy of motion picture arts serves as the leading landmark in the world of cinema. She hands Oscar the “right” actors, Directors, scriptwriters and so on. “Right” – that is, those who with their creativity promotes a customer-specific ideas and values.

With the help of tame critics all discussions of the cinema shifted towards such minor things like acting, twisted plot, and so on. But what the film creates in the viewer or “what he teaches” – a subject that is taboo. Creators consciously or subconsciously feel where the wind is blowing and adjust. One who is not adjusted, will not get bonuses, and on stardom misses or even if you get there quickly disappears.

Similarly, the system of major TV, music and other awards. Even Nobel prize – today management tool, and her reward only the “right” scientists, presidents and writers.

The second tool is financial. Shooting a film is expensive, but even if you take it off for your money, without ads and loyalty of the national press to a wider audience is not good. If you look at who warms the Russian Ministry of culture (“Admiral”, “Bastards”, “sunstroke” and other opportunistic nonsense) it can be argued that even our government fit into this global system.

While people accustomed to fast food information, and even convinced him of the falsity, not in a hurry to give up their bad habits by themselves and are ready to defend the producers of this poison. To get off the needle of the virtual drug is not so simple, it requires a huge and sometimes daunting work.

And however you look at it, the only stronghold of the spirit remains to this day the Soviet legacy, including the cinematic. Like it or curse it now, other then no, not created by the same Ministry of culture. Which hatched in Russia talented writers, Directors and actors? Yes, it can’t be! Disappeared-order all that is confronting with Western technologies of brainwashing.


Especially it is necessary to say here about the Internet. With due diligence it allows you to effectively distribute useful information without the huge funding and support the national media. Yes, it has a ton of pornography and other abominations, which destroys the fragile mind. But those who are able to resist the opportunity to log in through the Internet in the management of public processes, to unite and create an alternative to all the above mentioned misery. Yes, it is in the well-known reasons, very, very hard – but at least possible, unlike film and TV, where this possibility is in principle absent.


However, if you go back to the state scale, how to most effectively fend off the fusion of mass culture, which was zeroing in on our Sizzling sting?

Someone believes that you just have to dissociate itself from Hollywood and other enemy agents new “iron curtain” on the development of which now beats the CPS. But this is clearly a mistaken tactic. Of course, some reasonable measures of protection from harmful information, especially against children, should be used. But in General, care on the defensive, and passive defense is hopeless, especially when we are talking about global processes. By the way, in the same Hollywood periodically take a good, instructive films, and thus there is not alone demons, is and standing on the side of good. Therefore, it is necessary not to hide information from the shells, and to counteract at the level of their ideas and meanings.

And for that maximum to translate the evaluation of any media product from the plane of purely “entertainment” in the plane “impact on society”. That is – “what did we learn?”, “what ideas and values it promotes?”, “the effect on a mass audience?” And it’s nice to learn from the same Soviet system, if you want censorship, which could connect to the well known masterwork of the highest moral charge of the highest entertainment. Just one detail: when the great Soviet actors Papanin, Yakovlev, Leonov, Jankowski and the like just appear in the frame – already can’t outrun them. And today’s movie, the departed with his head in crime series, is unthinkable without a new murder or rape for every three minutes.

But this subject all the forces are avoided on major TV channels, afraid of her slipshod writers, Directors, musicians, producers, aspiring to cash in on the General decline of our cultural level. An honest Creator will be happy to tell you what he teaches his art, what it inspires, what calls. And every culture crooks in fashionable scarves, allegedly testifying about the election of their bearers, on this account, no BAA no me.

But at least the specified recipe to remedy the situation in mass culture at first glance quite simple, it requires, on the one hand, long-term, systematic work, and with another – high-level healers. The ability to ask the right question is only half the battle, we must also be able to find a decent answer. And as it is banal sounds, we need to educate ourselves, to read more and ponder read. To find such arguments in the debate and the winged words that will be understandable and highbrow thinker, and a sensitive ear to the youth.

And most importantly – to call a spade a spade! For the enemy, named by name is already quivering and ready to put out.

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