Booking service tickets Skyscanner has compiled a rating of countries, the rest in which in 2016 will be cheaper. To do this, the company studied the guidebooks, forums, reports bloggers, the cost of food and accommodation in hotels, reports
Just got a list of 15 countries. Each country has identified the average amount spend a couple of travelers, “who live in the same room, don’t like to spend too much and in all situations follow the Golden mean.”
Most budget destinations were countries in South-East Asia. First place rankings divide India and Indonesia — a day of rest in these countries, including costs of accommodation and transport, will cost 40 dollars (36 Euro) for two. Next on the list is Nepal and Vietnam, where the same objectives have to spend 45 dollars (40 euros). In Laos a day of rest together worth 55 dollars (50 euros), Sri Lanka — 60 (54 Euro).
For South-East Asia in the list is followed by Abkhazia and Armenia, the day of rest which costs about 65-70 dollars (euros 59-63). In the rating, besides, were Cambodia and Serbia (63 euros per day), as well as Georgia, Bulgaria, Montenegro and Romania (72 euros). Last on the list of Hungary where to spend 85 dollars (77 euros).