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First, to insult someone is not good. Whoever he was. Even the President of another country, though a neighbor on the porch. And if you are a person insulted, of course, need to respond. And just because offended the leader of some powers, but because they hurt the dignity of the person. But every insult – it from the realm of the senses.

But feelings are different for everyone. Someone thick-skinned and in response to even the most dirty words and actions only will grin. And another fellow even an innocent grin in his address would be seen as a spit in the soul. And how to be?

But please note that the freer a country is, the freer things in the address of its leaders. The same Obama who not only already has satirized and what are the only ways. Anybody like did not put. And neither Obama nor Joe Biden nor anyone else from the Washington regional Committee was not offended by the jokers. Or rather, maybe offended, but not required to give them Corot. Because will look like in this situation even sillier. But in a free country will be very difficult to avoid responsibility for the real insult to the common man. This is the difference between free countries and underdeveloped. In a free country protect individual rights, and proprietary rights to protect his superiors.

At us in Russia for insulting a representative of authorities, and therefore, the President can be punished with correctional labor up to one year. Thank God this article are not active and in this sense we can say that we haven’t all so bad. In the end, there were times when for a joke about Stalin could send to penal servitude. Yes and other in Soviet times for political jokes could get a full set of hemorrhoids.

And here in Turkey for insulting Erdogan pursued satirists, Teens, football star more than a dozen people, said to have cost him a sharp tongue. But I believe that this article neither in criminal nor in the administrative code should not be in principle. Don’t need power no special moral privileges, and can not she have some hypersensitive dignity. Officials from bloat because of their own greatness that they require a particularly respectful attitude. And generally, nicceee man, the quicker he resents any word in your address. And less than his true value, the more often he feels insulted and offended.

As for the decision of the Germans to allow the pursuit of his satirist for making fun of Erdogan, I can understand this decision in only one case. If over Jan Bemelmans satisfied with the process and in the process, together with the defendant over Erdogan will be laughing and all present.

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