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Lemon peel to relieve pain in the joints

Цедра лимона для облегчения болей в суставахLemon peel can effectively treat various health problems, including chronic pain in the joints.

Lemons are one of the most beneficial fruits, and are often found in the folk methods of treatment of various diseases.

Namely, lemons are rich in important nutrients such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, folic acid, pectin, phosphorus, bioflavonoids, vitamin A, C, B1, B6.

This combination prevents various diseases. Moreover, regular consumption of these citrus fruits has beneficial effects on the liver, intestines, stomach, and on the entire immune system.

In addition, the lemon is much soothes the pain in the joints.

It has powerful antiseptic properties, and lemon leaves effectively treat a fever.

If you are pregnant and suffer from terrible morning sickness — squeeze some lemon juice in water or tea in the morning. It saves you from nausea.

The essential oils contained in lemons, relaxes the blood vessels and have potent anti-inflammatory properties that effectively relieve pain nerve.

Lemon peel is also a useful means of alleviating chronic pain in the joints. There are two ways of its application to soothe the pain:

Put the peel of two lemons in a glass jar and pour a little olive oil. Close the jar and leave to infuse for 2 weeks. After that, lemon oil is ready to use. All you need to do is pour it on a gauze and place on affected areas. Secure with a bandage and leave overnight.
You should grate the lemon zest, but without the white layer, and apply to the painful areas. Fix a bandage and leave to act for 2 hours.

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