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Kuban separatist. Two years in the colony still shining

Kuban separatist. Two years in the colony still shining
A reasonable person will never support the Ukrainian coup, known as the Maidan. Our political opposition, by the way, strongly damped its already questionable reputation it is the support of criminals, who have entrenched themselves in the government of Ukraine. Worst of all, the opposition is fooling ordinary citizens who pick up “revolutionary” ideas, stubborn defend them and carry to the masses.

Кубанская сепаратистка. Два года колонии все-таки светят

Photo — Daria Polyudova that went crazy because of “the federalization of Kuban” and “the charms of the Maidan”. It relates specifically to the categories of citizens who for some reason believe that they are called “opposition”. She called on the Russians following the example of Ukrainians to organize in the country a “regime change” and spread slander on cheap power, and all their “revolutionary” mood splashed “Vkontakte”. Moreover, Polyudova became the organizer of the unauthorized “March for the federalization of Kuban” in Krasnodar, where she was detained for petty hooliganism. In December last year for appeals to extremist activity and appeals to violation of integrity of the Russian Federation was sentenced to two years in prison. And recently a court dismissed the complaint on the sentence, leaving it unchanged. Polyudova now waiting for the direction to go to serve his sentence in a colony-settlement.

Would like to see in Daria’s head it all fell into place. But judging from her page “Vkontakte”, she did not understand what went wrong. And the sentence does not recognise, considers himself offended hurl. How inadequately condemned perceives reality, can be understood in her last entry. She has published inter alia: “the Sentence was left in force. I think this is due, primarily, to the fact that I held a few shares in my support. There would be time to knock off the period of carrying out of actions in my support, in my opinion”. Some top immaturity: Polyudova does not want to understand what her fault, and sees his salvation in stocks support.

Кубанская сепаратистка. Два года колонии все-таки светят

Although, of course, to put all the responsibility on her, one would be wrong. You can see that ladies are not too well developed analytical skills, and all the ideas that she so stridently has spread, someone in her head put from the outside. However, the fact that someone had a good screwing with the brains Palydovas, still does not absolve her from liability. Perhaps in this situation it would be fairer not even in the colony to send it where it will be feed to protect, and for two years in Ukraine — let them taste the consequences of the “revolution of dignity”. Look for work, potusuemsja with “heroes ATO”, which will tell you how barefoot fired at civilians. And lucky if I get a feel for all the nobleness of conduct independence “heroes”. That’s when Polyudova saw the true value of “revolutions”, well-designed Western sponsors, the money which the opposition today in Russia hang noodles on the ears, naive and not too bright.


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