Home / World / Japan was struck by a powerful Typhoon.

Japan was struck by a powerful Typhoon.

На Японию обрушился мощный тайфун: есть жертвыThe disaster has led to destruction in the country.

The bodies of nine elderly people were found in a nursing home in the Japanese city of Iwaizumi (Iwate Prefecture), which became flooded due to river flooding caused by Typhoon Lionrock.

Flooding and partial breakthrough of the dams occurred in the North-East and the North of Japan due to torrential rains caused by Typhoon Lionrock, reports TASS with reference to the Ministry of land, infrastructure, transport and tourism of the country.

On the eve of Typhoon Lionrock led to the cancellation of more than 110 domestic flights and activities in hundreds of schools and access to the mass evacuation of the local population.

Last week Japan was hit by another Typhoon, causing one people were killed and more than 60 injured. The recommendation to evacuate received more then half a million inhabitants. Due to heavy rains has been violated by public transport on rail and road, canceled about 400 flights.

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