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It became known where he was going after Clinton lost the election

Стало известно, куда направилась Клинтон после поражения на выборахShe went for a walk in the woods after the election of the President of the United States.

A resident of the state of new York for a walk in the woods was met by the losing presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

About Margo Gerster said in his Facebook.

According to the woman, she went walking in the woods after the election of the President of the United States. When she and the children came out of the forest, he heard a rustle and saw Hillary and bill Clinton. They walked with dogs.

“She (Hillary – 24) hugged me and thanked me, we exchanged nice pleasantries, and then I allowed them to continue their walk. I don’t believe in signs, but I’ll definitely remember this. Very proud of,” says Gerster.

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