The Ministry of culture provides creative and public organizations to choose the scenario for the development of culture.
The strategy of the state cultural policy until 2030, published on the website of the government of the Russian Federation, will be the subject of wide public discussion. About this “news” told the first Deputy Minister of culture of Russia Alexander Zhuravsky.
Within three months we have to submit to the government a plan which will be submitted proposals from different organizations, creative and public associations, expert community on the eight priority areas identified in the strategy, — said Zhuravsky.
The strategy includes three scenarios: 1) inertia, do not require funding, but not to qualitatively change the situation in the cultural sphere; 2) innovation, involving sharp qualitative leap, but significant resources; 3) basic. The latter will be able to overcome dangerous tendencies and strengthen existing positive.
— At the moment we are forming proposals for the implementation of the baseline scenario, — said Zhuravsky.
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In his words, “for the realization of the inertial scenario strategy does not need — it is implemented automatically”. Innovation also requires a lot of conditions.
However, the official is sure that it is possible — if will be implemented a diversified system of funding in the sphere of culture, along with significant budget investments will be attracted alternative sources of funding and develop all kinds of institutions like the cinema Fund.
Is the path on which were all of the larger States, where there are serious cultural heritage, developing the actual culture — in short, where there is what to preserve and what to develop, — concluded the Deputy Minister.
“Izvestia” appealed to the workers of culture with the question, is it possible innovation scenario, guaranteeing the prosperity of culture.
In the opinion of the Directors, a member of the public Council of the Ministry of culture of Russia Grigory Zaslavsky, such a scenario is possible, moreover, the strategy contains all the prerequisites for its implementation.
— The main merit of this document that all references to innovative features in the final version preserved. Now it is possible to appeal to him is there referred to and branded tax, and philanthropic donations. If you give these forms legislative implementation, this two, two and a half times will increase the expenditure on culture.
On multi-channel financing of cultural projects hopes and Chairman of the Russian Choral society Pavel Pozhigailo. In his opinion, it is people’s culture can help the implementation of the innovation scenario.
Strategy — a technological document. The main innovation is the involvement of people in processes of cultural development. Marking taxes, for example, when a 13-percent income tax 1% transfers in any cultural Foundation. And it’s not money, put God knows where. The local tax. This means that people can maintain the culture of their region.
The strategy of the state cultural policy until 2030 was developed in pursuance of the principles of state cultural policy, approved by Vladimir Putin in the end of 2014. The strategy States that in the coming years, the culture will become one of the key factors shaping the “knowledge economy”. Key objectives to be achieved, is to create a new value model of state cultural policy, to expand the space of the Russian language in foreign countries, to establish an effective system of conservation of cultural heritage. The strategy will be implemented in two phases — preparatory from 2016 to 2020 (given in compliance with the planning documents and plans for their implementation) and, in fact, active from 2020 to 2030 (measures of legislative, organizational and financial nature).