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In the Federation Council told the Russians to defer 5% of salary

В Совфеде посоветовали россиянам откладывать 5% от зарплаты

The Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on budget Yevgeny Bushmin has advised the Russians to defer 5% of his salary, reports RSN.

Such a figure he justified by the fact that saving 10% of monthly income for most people in the country an impossible task.

“What 10%, where the opportunity? Many and 5%, but delay. 5% for sure can’t wait, because eventually, 50% one month to one year delay is OK, that’s enough to solve their urgent problems,” — said the Senator.


He added that myself if possible, saving for a rainy day.

“My grandmother put it off, my mom was delayed. I how much money was lost in the savings Bank they were at grandma’s for a rainy day. There are some good episodes, well the car is sold then immediately put. Reflected in the Declaration and the amount transferred to the Bank were interest,” said the Bushmin.

The Senator stressed that fundamentally do not need to delay: “all you Need to spend and to use what you bought. Then all will be right in line with the crisis that is and will be forever.”

Previously, the Levada center reported that the results of the February survey of the main fears of Russians again began rising prices and poverty.

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