Home / Money / In the Crimea in 2016, one million will receive 50 Zemstvo doctors

In the Crimea in 2016, one million will receive 50 Zemstvo doctors

В Крыму в 2016 году по миллиону получат 50 земских докторов

The Ministry of health of the Crimea began accepting documents for participation in the program “Zemsky doctor”, which allows doctors to pay a million rubles under the condition of their moving to work in the countryside.

In 2015 the Commission of the Ministry of health selected 20 participants in the program, which helps to eliminate the shortage of medical personnel in rural areas. Among them many Russians, who wished to move to the Peninsula from the mainland.

This year, a relocation allowance of one million roubles will be able to have 50 doctors. The program “Zemsky doctor” will be funded at the expense of the Republican budget and Fund of obligatory medical insurance in the ratio of 40: 60.

The documents of applicants for participation in the program will consider special Commission of the Ministry of health. In was composed of 11 experts. The main requirement is to work in a rural health facility within five years after receiving a lump-sum payment. Million rubles moved to the village a family can spend at their discretion – for example, to buy a house or car. This year the age limit of programme participants increased from 35 to 50 years. But they must have a medical degree.

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