The police started criminal proceedings on the assault of the radical nationalists in the offices of Russian banks in the center of Kiev. Recorded theft of mobile phones and wallets from the employees of the institutions. The offices suffered considerable financial losses. In the Internet appeared the video with the excesses of uncontrolled thugs, local media reported.
Nationalists demanded to ban the work in Ukraine of divisions of Sberbank and Alfa-Bank with Russian capital. However, in contrast to the situation with truckers from Russia in Transcarpathia, the authorities did not go on about the nationalists.
Meanwhile, the Network appeared the video of the attack on the offices of banks. The hooligans did not hide their faces, hoping for another indulgence from the authorities. The camera captures a mountain of broken glass from doors, walls, partitions, ATMs with no cables and broken screens, computers that are tables.
Massive anti-Russian propaganda gathered a crowd at the sight of the massacre. People complained that life has become unbearable due to the growth of utility bills and falling incomes. It targeted the gap of economic ties with Russia has brought Ukraine’s economy to collapse.
The authorities were forced to protect child Russian banks, which in the difficult conditions of trying to work in Ukraine and to lend to entrepreneurs. The attack in the center of Kiev became public knowledge. It is unlikely that in such circumstances Ukraine will hasten new investors, economic commentators believe.