Home / Business / In Chelyabinsk an old piece of balcony, having collapsed, almost crushed a baby carriage with the child

In Chelyabinsk an old piece of balcony, having collapsed, almost crushed a baby carriage with the child

In Chelyabinsk an old piece of balcony, having collapsed, almost crushed a baby carriage with the child

Kirill Babushkin

В Челябинске кусок старого балкона, обрушившись, едва не раздавил детскую коляску с ребенком

The Prosecutor’s office and the state housing Inspectorate carried out an inspection on the fact of the collapse of the balcony at the house in the street Gagarin, 21 in Chelyabinsk. As reported by one of the occupants of the house, fallen from the height of the third floor a piece of cement almost crushed a baby carriage with a child.

As it turned out during the inspection, the incident occurred on January 15: the Complainant stated in the state housing inspection that was walking along the house with a pram on the footpath next to him suddenly fell down a large piece of concrete from a balcony plate on the third floor. Note, the house on Gagarin, 21 serviced by the LLC “MC “Remzhilzakazchik”, has already received in the summer of 2015 popularity due to the collapse of a balcony in the centre of Chelyabinsk on the main Avenue.

“About a dangerous situation on Gagarin street we knew in October 2015, said the correspondent Znak.com press Secretary of the criminal code “Remzhilzakazchik” Olga solodyankina. – Then tests revealed a fracture plate of the balcony on the third floor of the house. The balcony hangs over the footpath and, of course, is dangerous. Our experts in the autumn gave the property owner notice and offered to dismantle the balcony, but the tenant refused. Then the balcony door was sealed from the apartment, and dangerous stretch of track protected with ribbons”.

Barrier strips were regularly disrupted by passers-by. On January 15, the day the state of emergency, almost costing the life of a young child, the tape was also absent, and considered himself to be the victim, the Complainant argues that the threat didn’t know. With these and related investigation of a dangerous balcony.

“At the moment no response to us is not accepted, said solodyankina. – The Prosecutor made the act survey, examined the documents, now we will wait for the decision. But it is worth noting that shortly after this state of emergency we were trying to get a part-time meeting residents of the house, offered to carry out the repair of the balcony at the expense of means of the column “maintenance and repair”. Independently of the CC has no right to spend the money. However, the meeting was only three people voted on the issue only 15% of owners. As a result, the balcony remains in the same state. The only available measure is the replacement of the protective tape on the metal structure is already done.”

As reported Znak.com at the end of June 2015 emergency of this kind was noted in the house on Lenin Avenue, 61. There is a balcony actually collapsed because of a violation of the rigid clutch plate with the wall and (according to MC “Remzhilzakazchik”) permanent works in the basement of the building, destructive to the Foundation of the house.

Full version: https://www.znak.com/2016-02-11/v_chelyabinske_kusok_starogo_balkona_edva_ne_razdavil_detskuyu_kolyasku_s_rebenkom
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