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In Brazil can be restored the monarchy?

В Бразилии может быть восстановлена монархия?

Brazil is mired in a political crisis. President Dilma Rousseff faces impeachment. The lower house of Parliament already supported this initiative, and now the upper house should consider the question of the removal of the head of state from office. Supporters and opponents of Rousseff spend thousands of demonstrations. And in this difficult situation, it was suggested that a radical solution. According to the newspaper LaTercera, one of the groups came up with the idea of restoring the monarchy in the country.

The last Emperor Pedro II abdicated the throne after a coup in 1889. Came to power of the Republican forces has quickly wiped out all traces of the monarchical past. But now in politics can return his descendant. According to monarchists, the appearance of the Emperor will be able to return to a political and social balance in a country mired in corruption.

A descendant of Pedro II 75-year-old di Bertan Orleans and Braganza actively participates in the demonstrations. He is second in line of succession, but his older brother Louis can’t enter politics because of health problems. His supporters note that “the monarchy ensures the unity, stability and continuity”.

This slogan attracts many, but hardly their number is enough to restore the Imperial house. In 1993 the referendum held in Brazil, showed that the restoration of the monarchy only want 10 percent of the population, while for the Republic fell to 66 percent. However, several high-profile scandals, and the mood can change.

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