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How to recognize the person of senile dementia

Как распознать у человека старческое слабоумиеAlzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia is often diagnosed too late, when nothing can be done.

However, there are some unusual symptoms, suggesting that people will soon begin to experience serious memory problems.

Blood tests. Published in the journal Alzheimer’s and Dementia research has shown that suffering from mild cognitive disorders like forgetfulness people have a unique blood protein that is associated with changes in the brain that can lead to future Alzheimer’s disease. In fact, 87% of people who took part in the study, faced with Alzheimer’s disease after a year. This disease is caused by accumulation of toxic proteins that destroy brain cells. The tests do not help prevent illness, but can help in early diagnosis and delaying the development of the disease.

Gait. Published in the journal Neurology a study involving 27 000 adults showed that those that walked too slowly, subsequently often faced with Alzheimer’s. However, the speed of the gait is not the only tool for such output. It is also necessary to obtain the opinion of neuroscientists and physical therapists who help you to gain a clearer picture of the condition of the brain.

The level of sugar in the blood. Victims of diabetes can not control blood sugar levels. Many patients have to rely on insulin shots. High blood sugar increases the amount of beta-amyloid plaques in the brain seen in victims of Alzheimer’s disease.

The sight and smell. Experts also believe that the decline in such senses as smell and sight is due to the death of brain cells, which is observed in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Beta-amyloid proteins, a key component of dementia, are also found in the retina of the eye.

Voice. According to scientists, the voice may predict the risk of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. After a bit of research experts were able to do it even with talking on the phone. Voice requires brain stimulation to enhance, and subjected to degenerative processes, the brain can’t react as quickly as a healthy, active brain.

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