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How to get rid of pain in the neck and back: helpful tips

Как избавиться от боли в спине и шее: полезные советыBack pain familiar to too many people.

Millions of people around the world suffer from back pain which is a chronic disease which seriously violate our lives.

This pain is usually treated with various pain medication, but most of them lead to serious side effects and endanger our health, even if they ease many of the symptoms.

Back pain can be caused by numerous reasons such as sports injuries, accidents, and strain muscles. However, whatever the causes, the symptoms are always the same. Back pain can occur regardless of age, but most often it occurs in older people and in people aged 30-40 years. Moreover, most often from back pain suffer people who are not used to being physically active.

Excess weight and improper diet can also cause back pain. In addition, even some types of cancer and arthritis can also cause this condition. Smokers are also more prone to back pain because they are not getting enough nutrients to the disks of the back, and a cough can lead to pain.

Back pain is also common in people with sedentary lifestyles, or those who are not sitting right. However, this pain can be removed without the use of drugs, a completely natural way. Here are some very useful tips:

Daily exercise

Breathe deeply

Lose weight

Consume vitamin D

Practice yoga

Do hot and cold compresses

Quit Smoking

Relax completely

Massage therapy

Try Pilates

Avoid actions that may lead to back pain

Neck pain is another painful condition, which can also be alleviated. We offer several effective ways to ease the pain:

Always sleep in the correct position.

Take a warm shower to relax the muscles

Use cold compresses

Try to use a hot pillow

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