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How to get rid of lice at home: 7 natural remedies

Как избавиться от вшей в домашних условиях: 7 натуральных средствThere is a perception that lice are only for the poor and slovenly people.

Head lice (Pediculus humanus capitis), or simply put, lice that appear in people’s hair, is a tiny insect, not exceeding 3 mm, they dig into the scalp to produce their own food — blood.

These parasites can occur in any person, but most often it happens in childhood, at the same time to get rid of head lice is difficult.

Their presence brings a lot of inconvenience and creates great discomfort, as besides the fact that lice multiply rapidly, they secrete saliva, which irritates the scalp.

Therefore, if you notice that the children are constantly scratching their head, it is likely that they have bred the parasites.

Infection usually occurs by direct contact (one head with another), in addition the so-called lice lay nits, which after 8-9 days into new lice.

This way you understand that you need to act quickly. And that lice do not settled your head or your child’s head, offer you 7 natural remedies to combat them.

Despite the fact that the market today there are a variety of tools against lice, it is better to try to avoid aggressive chemicals on the scalp.

1. White vinegar

White vinegar contains natural acids that are very beneficial to the scalp and at the same time effective in fighting various problems.

Due to its properties vinegar repels lice and facilitates the removal of nits, which spoil the appearance of the hair.

How to use it?

Heat a small amount of white vinegar (so that the temperature was tolerable), and apply on the scalp and hair.

If you feel a burning sensation, immediately rinse.

The idea is to use pure vinegar, but if you have too sensitive skin can dilute it with water.

Repeat the procedure every day for as long as the lice will not disappear.

2. Coconut oil

Coconut oil has a very pleasant aroma that helps “neutralize” the smell of vinegar and also reinforces its effect (increases efficiency).

Thanks to its antibacterial properties, coconut oil also repels lice and facilitates the removal of the nits that cling to the hair.

How to use it?

Massage a small amount of coconut oil into the scalp and leave for 15 minutes to impact, then comb out hair with a fine-toothed comb.

3. Tea tree oil

Anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties of tea tree oil can also be used against those pesky parasites.

How to use it?

Take 15 drops of essential tea tree oil and massage them into the scalp. Leave for exposure, not washing.

Repeat use every day.

4. Olive oil

This natural product is also a good alternative to struggle with nits and head lice.

How to use it?

Soak the hair with olive oil (cold pressed, extra virgin), wrap head with a plastic bag (you can wear a shower cap) and leave for exposure for 1 hour.

After the specified time comb hair comb and remove eggs (nits).

5. A mixture of oils

Using a mixture of several essential oils, we can improve the efficiency of the above mentioned funds. This will prevent the reappearance of parasites in the head.

The idea is to combine the ingredients with antimicrobial properties that will create the scalp a protective barrier.

Ingredients: 1 tablespoon coconut oil is also extra virgin (15 g), 5 drops of eucalyptus essential oil, 2 drops of essential tea tree oil.

How to use them?

Mix all oils in one container and apply on the scalp along the hairline (edges).

6. Infusion of Rue

Ruta is a plant that has a very useful for hair properties. Besides the fact that the root contributes a natural and rapid growth, it also is a good option to fight against nits and lice.

Ingredients: 3 tablespoons of Rue (30 g) 2 cups water (500 ml).

How to cook it?

Bring to the boil 0.5 liters of water and bring to a boil. When the water boils, add the Rue and remove from heat.

Cover and let 20 minutes to infuse.

Strain the resulting liquid and use it to wet hair.
Then put on a shower cap and leave for influence for 1.5 hours.

After the specified time, rinse and repeat every day.

7. Garlic

Sulfur compounds contained in garlic, and its characteristic acrid smell are the perfect combination for repelling lice and other insects.

Ingredients: 8 cloves of garlic, 3 tablespoons olive oil (42 g).

How to use it?

Chop the garlic cloves and mix it with olive oil to make a thick paste.

Apply onto the entire surface of the scalp and leave for exposure for 1 hour.
Then rinse thoroughly, apply conditioner and comb.

Use the garlic a few times a week.

We offer you to try any of the above ways to deal with nits and head lice and you don’t have to resort to any aggressive commercial vehicles.

Please note that for optimal results it is important to use these tools regularly and to comply with the rules of hygiene. Then success is guaranteed!

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