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How to get rid of high pressure without pills

Как избавиться от высокого давления без таблетокPrevention is always better than cure.

People who have problems with high blood pressure, you need to constantly monitor their health to avoid becoming a stroke victim.

In recent years, increasingly with hypertension faced by young people in the age of 35-40 years, especially men.

Prevention of this problem can prevent other dangerous diseases: from pressure more likely to suffer heart, brain and kidneys. Most people try to solve the issue of high blood pressure with medication. But there are other ways of prevention. Here, for example, a few morning rituals, doing that regularly, you may get rid of high blood pressure alone.

There are, fortunately, several ways to reduce the risk. It all begins in the kitchen: Minnesota University scientists found that people who do not neglect Breakfast, less likely to develop high blood pressure. A light, balanced snack will be enough to balance the pressure and to live a little longer.

Best Breakfast. Of course, not all food will be launched the body good. It is best to digest oat bran, eggs and blueberries. Green tea will be a great addition.

Meditation. You should pay attention to Eastern practices. Researchers have long proved the undeniable benefits of meditation for mental health. Spend just ten minutes to organize their thoughts: deep breathing will cause the entire body to tone and reduce blood pressure.

Sport. No need to save your strength for the working day. A normal charge would be enough to set the body for increased energy production. Just a few weeks of constant morning workouts will be enough to solve the problem with the pressure: the body becomes accustomed to the morning stress and will accordingly prepare all the system to the moment of awakening.

A place of serenity. The important role played by the environment in which you start your day. It is best to choose a quiet place by the window, which offers a good view. Have Breakfast here, ignoring the urge to view your work email and social network.

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