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How to get rid of heartburn

Как избавиться от изжоги The reasons lie mostly in food, often in poor quality, too oily or spicy foods.

1. Eat black licorice

This is a very healthy candies made from licorice root. Dissolving licorice wand, you will significantly reduce heartburn. Thanks to the useful substances which are contained in the root of licorice, liquorice is often used as a remedy for ulcers, colitis, heartburn, or inflammation of the digestive tract.

2. Drink aloe Vera juice

The aloe Vera juice can be bought in health food stores, but if this is not possible, suitable and your houseplant. Simply press from the leaves of the aloe gel and mix it with water in a ratio of 1:3. Pain caused by heartburn will go away. This plant has strong healing ability.

3. Do not take after eating, horizontal position

If you are accustomed after eating to rest, lying, know — it triggers heartburn. Try to go through two or three hours after the last meal. So, by the way, you’ll be slimmer and healthier.

4. Soda water

“Another soda!” — you might say. Not again and again. It really is a very effective remedy for heartburn, but you have to be careful. Not particularly zealous with it, as may appear nausea. To soothe your digestive tract, to drink a glass of water with a half teaspoon of baking soda.

5. Chewing gum is not only fresh breath

To remove heartburn help ordinary chewing gum without sugar. It’s not a cure, but rather, so that’s a relief. After eating, if you start to feel heartburn, chew a mint gum and it becomes easier. Checked.

6. Wait with the sport

It is clear that after a nice dinner I want everything to work out, so nothing is settled on the sides and other problem areas. However, do not in any way!

Golden rule 2 hours – exactly how long you should wait before you begin to physical exercise. Otherwise, the body will release of gastric juice.

7. Higher head

Doctors suggest sleeping on higher surfaces, in order to prevent heartburn. Have in mind that the head must lie above the General level of the body. However, we advise not to just put more pillows, and, say, use special orthopedic cushions.

8. Do not ignore ginger

Still amazing spice ginger is one root of so much use! For all its merits it also helps fight heartburn. You can eat in different ways: to add to tea or dishes to twist with lemon and honey or even eat raw.

9. List of unwanted products

People suffering from heartburn, it is especially important to follow the diet. First of all it concerns products that provoke the disease. These include:

coffee, Cola and other drinks with caffeine;
wine, beer, liquors;
carbonated beverages;
fatty and spicy foods;
onions, garlic, tomatoes;

However, in the case of heartburn all individually. Better to track what foods cause heartburn for you personally, and try to avoid them.

10. Wear loose clothes

With heartburn, it is recommended not to wear too tight clothes. Strange but true. This is the truth, it is, the more comfortable you will feel in it, the less painful and simply unpleasant sensations will experience.

11. Do not rush for food

The Golden rule on how to reduce the level of acidity in the body: just eat slowly! It helps to eat smaller amounts of food, and so as not to overload the gastrointestinal tract.

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