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How to get rid of cellulite with coffee

Как избавиться от целлюлита с помощью кофеHow to cure the “orange peel”.

Anti-cellulite scrubs help to remove dead skin cells, exfoliate skin, improve circulation, cleanse the pores, causing the skin becomes soft and silky.

Coffee, salt and chilli

To prepare the scrub, mix sea salt and ground coffee (1: 1), add olive oil or body cream. The resulting mixture is rubbed for 10 minutes in the “orange” place. The combined effect of salt and coffee has a very beneficial effect, purifying, nourishing and obezzarajivatei the skin.

Effective replacement for salt can be a tincture of chili peppers, which is easy to acquire in any pharmacy. Hot pepper improves blood circulation and warms up the body fat, promoting a more active liquefaction of the fat. The mixture was prepared using 50 grams of coffee and 10 ml pepper tincture. The rubbing was carried out for 5 minutes.
Coffee and honey

For making honey scrub honey needed to warm up a bit (or mix with hot water), then add the coffee and if desired, lemon essential oil, grapefruit or juniper.

The mixture is rubbed for 10 minutes, then 5 minutes press and dramatically tear off the hand from problem areas. The pain will testify to the effectiveness of the process: blood circulation increase sharply, and thus fat stores will disappear.

To peeling has provided the necessary action, the procedure is carried out once a week. To improve its efficiency should not be neglected massage that you can do with the help of a professional or self-massage gloves or with a vacuum tumbler.

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