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How to get rid of “black spots” in the home

Как избавиться от «черных точек» в домашних условияхExperts tell how to deal with the problem of black spots on the skin.

Every day on television we are watching Actresses and models, and all as a perfectly blank face: no pimples, no redness. Of course, all this is a merit of stylists and operators of video editing, in reality, even the first lady know this is a problem as the blackheads on the skin.

Why do they arise? How to treat them? Here are some questions tormented or tortured at least once, every girl.

To understand why on the face are blackheads, you need to understand what they represent. Black dots is the second title of comedones, and they occur when clogged sebaceous glands. The tops of these sebaceous plugs accumulate dirt, cosmetics and dead cells of the epidermis, becoming black or dark brown. These contaminated the outer part of the sebaceous plugs – just the well-known black dots.

Why black dots appear

Unfortunately, most often black dots appearing in girls because they have generally oilier skin and enlarged pores. They deliver not only an aesthetic discomfort, but also subsequently make the skin like lemon zest, but the grease tube is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria.

The cause of the occurrence of black spots can be very different.

The main cause of blackheads – the skin of dirt and dust and as a result, the clogging of pores. This happens mostly due to the fact that skin care is not enough, limiting itself to daily washing. Meanwhile, it is very important not only to wash away makeup and dirt with water, but also periodically to make scrubs, masks, and other useful procedures. They help to fully remove dirt and dead cells that are also cause plugged pores.

Another possible reason for the appearance of comedones – a wrong diet. Excessive use of alcohol, sweet pastries, spicy and fatty foods affect the skin condition – of course, not the best way.

The constant touching of hands to the skin can also contribute to the formation of comedones, especially on the face – our fingers attract dirt and a huge number of microbes.

How to get rid of blackheads on the face

Removing blackheads is a long and difficult process. Fortunately, this can be done at home, but in this case it is necessary to carry out all procedures correctly, so as not to harm the skin even more.


The easiest way to clean the face of blackheads with steaming. This method is suitable for removal of comedones on the nose, chin, cheeks, ears and even on the lips. First, you should remove the skin and wash your face thoroughly, you can then proceed with the steaming. It is done usually with the help of steam baths: in a saucepan filled with water, boiled, and then the face held over the steam for about 10 minutes. For best effect, you can cover your head with a towel and water, add the herbs, including chamomile.

Once the face is sufficiently resperidol, you can remove the black dots on their own, but it should be done very carefully, so as not to contaminate it. Before procedure it is necessary to disinfect hands and make sure that under the nails, no dirt. Comedones are removed as follows: you need to press your fingers on the black dot on two sides, and the mud itself will come out, if the skin is steamed.

Important: if possible, this face peel is best to trust a professional beautician in order to avoid infection and inflammation!

A patch of black dots

Often plaster is used when you need to remove black spots on nose and forehead, but for the area around the lips, it also works. A skin patch you can buy at the pharmacy or cosmetics store; it is usually not very expensive.
Removed black dots with adhesive is very simple: follow the instructions on the package. This method does not give instant results but when used regularly, the patch effect becomes clearly visible. By the way, this procedure does not bring discomfort.

Face masks

Another effective way interesting to those who wants to remove black spots on face: treatment mask. Of course, the effect of them is later than that of the mechanical cleaning or the application of plaster, but the effect they have is much more mild, does not irritate the skin and does not cause any pain.
Online you can find many recipes for home masks, but in the store – to buy ready-made. Here are some of the most effective tools:

Yogurt mask

Is very simple: only need to wash with warm yogurt and wash it off after 5-7 minutes. The mask is very effective due to the fact that yogurt contains a special acid, solvent in the pores of fat, and thereby clears the skin.

Mask of baking soda and salt

Tablespoon of fine salt and baking soda mixed with a small amount to any cleanser to make a foam. The resulting mask is best applied not to the entire face, but only on the problem areas, then simmering 5-7 minutes, rinse with water. If the person already has acne and inflammation, to do this mask is not recommended – there will be pain, and irritation will only intensify.

Mask of white clay

The finished mask of white clay you can buy in the drugstore or cosmetic store. Apply all over the face, preferably slightly warm. White clay helps to get rid of blackheads, but remember that it has astringent and tightening effect, so after applying the mask the skin should be very well moistened, so as not to experience discomfort. Can be mixed with lemon juice or aspirin.

The mask of cinnamon and honey

Honey and cinnamon are mixed at a ratio of about 2 : 1. Apply the resulting composition is necessary to cleanse and steaming the skin massaging movements. Keep the mask on the face is recommended about 15 minutes, but if we are talking about the black spots on the nose, then you can leave the mixture on overnight. After applying rinse with warm water.

How to get rid of black spots on the body

Most often black spots appear on the face as the skin there is more delicate, but pimples can occur on the body. On the back of black dots occur mostly due to rubbing of bra or clothes, but also because of sweating, so, first of all, you need to keep clean and try to wear clothes made of natural materials.

Experts also suggest the use of scrubs:

coffee helps to get rid of dirt and dead skin cells;
oatmeal is made from small flakes and reduces inflammation.

Apply any scrub on cleansed skin massage gently and rinse with plain water after 10-15 minutes. After use, the skin should be moistened with cream or milk.

In the hands of the us there are few sebaceous glands, but occasionally comedones appear there. Usually cause black spots in this area is just bad nutrition or vitamin deficiency, but to establish an accurate diagnosis it is better to consult a doctor.

Prevention of blackheads

So, we already know how to get rid of blackheads on the face and body. But as you know, prevention is the best medicine, so you need to talk about what to do to black spots did not appear at all.

The most effective way to prevent blackheads is to properly and, most importantly, regularly clean the skin. Be sure to rinse at night makeup, use scrubs and masks and use tools to narrow pores.

Don’t forget to clean your face in the morning. That during the night, the skin remains clean – a common misconception. In fact, while we sleep, our skin renews and it means that the next morning there are dead cells that need to be removed before they clog the pores.

In addition, walk in the fresh air and stick to proper nutrition. Fruits and vegetables will give the skin the necessary vitamins, and the absence in the diet of fatty foods reduces the risk of clogging the pores and generally have a positive impact on the body.

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