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How selfies affect mental health

Как селфи влияет на психическое здоровье человекаDevelop a regular selfie narcissism.

Canadian scientists have found that the result of the regular selfie in a person’s self-perception is distorted and appears narcissism.

How to tell the psychologists, to date, a selfie is a normal phenomenon, but excessive enthusiasm can lead to the development of narcissism and the emergence of the illusion of their own greatness.

To such conclusion scientists came to after conducting an experiment involving two hundred College students, one hundred of which are regularly taking selfies. Each participant was asked first to take a picture of yourself, then take pictures of each other. Next, students were asked to rate themselves on two photos. Also, another independent group assessed the people in the photographs based on their attractiveness and narcissism.

The results showed that all students, dependent, self, considered themselves much more attractive to own pictures. Moreover, they considered themselves to be more beautiful than they were evaluated by strangers who, in turn, noted the high level of narcissism of the participants. As for the people, denying the self, then their opinion of me was not too high.

The study authors explain this phenomenon by the fact that for a good selfie, the man required several takes at different angles. Practicing regularly is the ideal angle and get used to myself-perfect, so disappears the understanding of how it looks in real life.

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