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How long to keep the skin young and healthy

Как надолго сохранить кожу молодой и здоровойFruit facial masks – keeps young skin.

Summer is the time when you can fully enjoy a variety of vegetables and fruits.

Use natural products not only in food, but also to maintain the youth of your skin.

Let’s start with the watermelon mask. It tones the skin. You will need 1 teaspoon of honey, 100 g of watermelon pulp, 1 tablespoon of cream. The pulp need to knead, add honey and cream, mix well and apply on face. Relax with mask on face for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water. To improve the efficiency of repeat 2 times a week.

The banana mask.

Has a rejuvenating, soothing, nourishing effect. It will require 1 tablespoon of honey and sour cream, 1 egg yolk and the flesh of half a banana. All products mix, weight gently applied to the skin for 25 minutes, then wash with cool water.

To do the mask 2-3 times a week. After two months of using this mask your skin will improve dramatically.

Sea buckthorn mask.

Has a toning, soothing, nourishing effect. Fresh or pre-thawed berries of sea-buckthorn mash to a pulp. Add the milk product. It can be cheese, yogurt, sour cream.

Relax with mask on face for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

And finally, a calming mask.

Relieves inflammation of the skin, tones it. You will need 1 tbsp warm decoction of chamomile and 2 tablespoons of warm milk. Broths to be mixed, the resulting liquid to moisten the gauze and put on face for 10 minutes. After that DAB the face with a cotton pad. Wash is not necessary.

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