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How it’s done in Russia

The famous Russian lawyer Ilya Novikov no longer a member of “What? Where? When?” after a game show host and producer Novikov was forced to leave the project, explaining that the lawyer was involved in the process of protection Savchenko.

Как это делается в России

About this on his page in Facebook wrote Russian writer Viktor Shenderovich.

“Ilya Novikov was expelled from the pure ranks of experts from the First channel. They were his – he was punished.
What a pure, uncomplicated beauty. And what intellect! Took a minute, strained his famous brain – and gave the only correct answer to the question of how not to upset the Kremlin.
They help us to carry out demarcation line”
, – said Shenderovich.

In response to a call by a leading TV quiz show What? Where? When? Boris Hook to leave the club connoisseurs lawyer Ilya Novikov said that he expected this decision and warned about its plans to defend in the trial Ukrainka Hope Savchenko.

“I knew when I took in July 2014, the protection Savchenko that it may bring trouble “What?Where?When?” coming on the first channel. The first thing I did, signing a protection agreement (Savchenko – ed.) – called the producers and said that I understand their difficulties in any moment gone” – wrote Novikov on his page in Facebook.

Novikov believes that his telecharger in CPP became a stumbling block on the Russian TV channel especially when the case Savchenko in the homestretch (in April-may of the current year).

Note that in his address Novikov harshly criticized by the press Secretary of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova and her colleagues from the Investigative Committee Vladimir Markin.

“Boris warned me that the more I say this makes it harder for me to defend. And that I need to prioritize… to Play the show less important”, – he added.

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