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“Hidden” heart attack: what symptoms should pay attention

"Скрытый" инфаркт: на какие симптомы стоит обратить вниманиеDoctors insist on a more careful attitude towards their health.

Regular examination of the heart and blood vessels will allow you to avoid problems in the future. A heart attack can strike anyone and even those who have never been prerequisites to any heart disease. Recently, scientists came to the conclusion that in addition to the obvious symptoms of a heart attack there are “hidden”, because of which the patient may not pay attention to their health and not even know that he had a heart attack, writes the Chronicle.Info with reference to the Correspondent.

It turns out that many people equate a real heart attack to the simple heart of the crisis and do not cause “Ambulance”, this attitude to their life and health doctors call negligent. But in some cases people really can’t recognize a heart attack for the symptoms that he observed.

So, the main symptoms of “latent” heart attack:

1. Discomfort in the chest, and also pain. In any case, leaving these symptoms undetected is absolutely impossible, at least if you want to live.

2. Pale complexion and protruding cold sweat can indicate a heart attack, but most often we call these symptoms are a manifestation of weather sensitivity or recently experienced stress.

3. Nausea and vomiting, again, more like the signs of poisoning, heat exhaustion, pregnancy in women, not heart attacks. And in many cases these symptoms are indicative of just that a person has “hidden” a heart attack.

4. Dizziness accompanied by a sensation of panic and fear. Attributed those symptoms to something else can easily, but doctors recommended to immediately consult a doctor and get tested so as not to miss the chance to mend your heart.

5. A choking cough. Not many people immediately think of the heart attack, when it begins to cough and gasp for breath. The feeling of lack of air just might indicate that you have had a heart attack, called myocardial.

If you’re a healthy person and in your family, no people, one grabbing the infarction, then the symptoms described above should not be taken too seriously, but you should always be on the alert. But if you already have diseases of the cardiovascular system, one of your blood relatives also suffer from heart disease and blood vessels, you have obesity, you smoke, drink alcohol, are hypertensive and so on, then discovered the symptoms listed above, immediately contact your doctor.

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