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He went to the Bank to pay the loan…

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He went to the Bank to pay the loan.

See the snow lie crumpled light red paper. Picked up. Smoothed.

And there are 5 denominations of 5 thousand rubles!


That’s lucky!

Faster cut with this place. Decided to put them on the map. At the same time know they are real or not. The ATM took. But when checking the account, the map was not 25 thousand and 250 thousand. Rechecked a few times!

Can not be! That for a glitch!?! (before that the map was 0). 250000 rubles. Shot at another ATM 50 thousand. Think close the loan and and still not bad to walk around with cash. Get to the Bank. Go to free cash just close the loan…

BANG! CLINK! CREEK! “Congratulations! You’re our millionth customer! You won the car!”

I held on to his heart. Gradually coming to himself, thought: “That’s impossible! So for the lucky day! Thank you!” everyone congratulated me, Shook hands. I was asked to leave for a few minutes in fresh air to recover.

Out, I slipped. Falling and then Wake up.

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