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Hands can tell you about the propensity to mental illness

Руки могут рассказать о склонности к психическим заболеваниямComparing the index and ring fingers allows you to see whether you tend to anxiety or maybe you are a good athlete.

Known: if the index finger shorter than the ring, it is still in the womb man is faced with increased testosterone.

Usually in this situation both men and women better cope with heavy intellectual tasks. Still they have a good physical performance, but an increased risk of hyperactivity disorder and Tourette’s syndrome.

Conventional photocopier has enabled the scientists to estimate the length of index and ring fingers 42 people, writes Science Daily. The purpose of the experiment was to determine the difference in brain functioning of men and women, and the importance of finger length and testosterone levels.

So, clearly elevated levels of testosterone have a positive effect on performance. And he was enabled to better navigate in space. On the contrary, reduced level of testosterone helped them to cope with the tasks on the verbal memory. Also at low levels of the hormone increased the risk of anxiety and depression characteristic of women.

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