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Habits, you poor

Привычки, из-за которых вы бедный

At brown University (Brown University) one of the most extensive research in the area of financial behavior of man in history, writes “the Newspaper.Ru”. Only the collection and processing of data took five years in total, the study involved 50 thousand families (more than 150 thousand people).

Scientists spent years watching how people behave with money, and reveals clear Parallels between the habits of a person and how he’s financially successful. The researchers were able to create a list of bad habits that interfere with getting rich to those who haven’t done it yet. In turn, wealthy participants in the study of these very bad habits or deprived at all, or they know about them and struggled to resist.

And though it’s not easy, but there is one small, but nice plus: these people are wealthy.

Note that the study did not include people who inherited their wealth. To their credit, even though she’s small, but it is that they have not lost money, which got them just so. It’s a lot easier than to get rich from scratch. So scientists were interested in only those wealthy people who earned and continue to earn their labor.

So, what are the poor different from the rich:

1. Second job

A large portion of wealthy people (67%) is doing everything in their power to have more than one source of income. It is not only investment: people who have no money, at least find a second job.

Doing this only 6% of the poor. Rich people do not spend the time they earn.

And knowing that in one place will not earn as much as two, they earn two. They work in two, three times more, and therefore they have more money then to make profitable investments, to open a business or to invest in yourself and learn new things — which then again leads to higher earnings.

2. Tote

Horse racing, poker, betting in sport games, buy a lottery ticket — 77% of poor do this regularly, and only 6% of the wealthy are busy.

Here one could argue that it is not no indicator, just the poor need money and they dream to get rich. But that’s the problem: the poor spend money, hoping to suddenly strike it rich, not earned.

If you just put aside the amount that a poor person spends on these empty and foolish attempts, then after a year you find that deferred very decent amount.

3. Reading

Another very interesting statistic: 79% of the wealthy admit that they are much more often read professional literature and everything to do with their career and can raise their professional level. And though the rich often say that they miss literature, business costs them a priority.

In addition, that in principle poor I read much less, only 11% of those who read them at all (and it is, frankly, a minority), can read professional literature.

The vast majority of poor people read solely for pleasure. You say that there’s nothing wrong, and we agree. Only then do not complain about poverty.

4. Spending

It has been revealed that unlike the poor, rich people never buy things they cannot afford. You’d be surprised, but from the rich and constantly has this problem. So, the poor will buy, for example, a very expensive phone, while feature phones and cheaper, and expensive he can’t afford and have to take out a loan or spend money that is not intended, and then long to indulge in more urgent things than a high resolution screen of an expensive phone.

But rich as he would not want, say, a very expensive car, never will buy it, if they have to take out a loan or to indulge in something else.

A rich man will buy a car cheaper.

5. Budget

And by the way, about spending in General. 84% of rich people strictly follow their budget and making every effort to stay within its framework. They decide in advance how much and what to spend, and regularly sum up their spending. They never asked, so for us towards the end of each month: where did the money go? They know exactly what they spent.

But among the poor meticulously monitor their spending only 20%.The rest, paying the rent and bills, just walk the rest of the money, not thinking about what specifically and how much they spend.

6. Savings

Only 5% of the poor regularly set aside 10% of their monthly income. 20% lays virtually none. The main reason is that those 10% poor seem so insignificant amount that they do not think it is important to defer. Others attribute this to the fact that it’s hard for them to live, without spending the 10%.

The first argument is stupid, because no matter how little you have managed to save up, you will have savings. If you do not defer at all, and any savings will not be — at all. The second argument is unsound, because, how small your income, you can live, if this income is reduced by 10%.

And keep in mind: 93% of rich people lay regularly.

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