In all seasons gudgeon was and still is considered the best bait for catching different prey fish with revcovery tackle. I think this is especially true at the close of winter, when the time comes to equip postawski on burbot. Walleye, spring stuffed with caviar, are generally unlikely to lure something else — there’s a minnow as live bait apart from the competition.
If winter fishing for gudgeon on the course quite natural, though little practised, even in recent times, probably due to global warming, running on some ponds and river impoundments of the middle band in the spring there is a steady bite as silver carp and gudgeon. The minnows that live in conditions of minimum flow rate, often a much larger river cousins, and catching them is generally easier and safer.
Of course, in these basins the minnow just does not appear out of nowhere — he was in the lot were found in the rivers and streams to overlap their dams, and then adapted to the new conditions of life. However, what if your pond has created an environment that it can survive only carp, rotan and verhovka, minnows look here hardly worth it — it is very whimsical to water quality and oxygen contents.
Now it is important to consider those places in the ponds where the fish settled down after raising the water level. It’s still a river bed, submerged, which, as you know, has two of the drop off is steep, where flooding along the river can grow large forest or willow, and gently sloping, meadow, where previously, you could only see the bushes or undergrowth, or even swampy lowland. On the “remains” of the vegetation and the nature of the new Bank is easy to calculate the position of the steep drop off — it is interesting when you search the winter Parking minnows in the pond. The fact that no matter how “old memory” and in ponds, minnows avoid muddy places, and on steep ledges sediments are not delayed, and in spring, there is formed a visible movement of water, which creates favorable conditions for spawning, particularly in the upper reaches of reservoirs. Minnows generally occupy the lower part of the drop off near channel chute, but quite common and in shallow water, if there is hard clay or sand bottom (the beaches), but again these places must be located close to the track.
As already noted, in ponds gudgeon has acquired a noticeable solidity, sometimes variegated thick-lipped fish are just huge, Pekkarinen standards, sizes. A few times I managed to catch “monsters”, the weight of which considerably exceeded 100 grams. But most importantly, of practical importance is that pond fish are much hardier river his brother and is better preserved in captivity and during transportation, and also supports long high mobility on the hook zhivcova the tackle. Maybe a fat minnow from the pond, found the last refuge for a wide cast-iron pan that is lightly to give Tina, but not the one that caught the ice.
Habitats of minnows in the ponds although very local, but permanent, it is therefore necessary to memorize the guidelines or sticking out of the water the remnants of tree trunks, but it is best to label them on the sketch map of the reservoir.
Tactics for catching minnows off the ice in bodies of water without currents is skillful use of very light tackle, although sometimes the depth in the fishing spot can exceed 3-5 meters. This approach is due to a more cautious bite of the local fat and not as nimble minnows. In this situation, the best result gives you the tackle with a jig weighing not more than 0.15-0.3 gram tied on the line 0,06-0,08 mm. Additional dimensions of success will be wafer-thin, with a long shank hook jigs rooms 20-18 (international classification) — bloodworm long remains alive and attractive to fish. Reliable bite indicator will be the weight of the jig a pointer.
Sufficiently sensitive to tackle, the fishermen named “fool” and a system of “hook-sinker-pointer”. Easy sinker-bullet weight of 0.2-0.3 grams needs to be clamped on the line 10-15 inches above the hook. Recommended both types of gear should be put in the preload, that is, when the bait on the hook just barely touches the bottom. Techniques enhance fish — smooth climbs and lowering the bait in the form of one or two feather dusters on the bottom, or wiggling and tapping of the jig along the bottom, alternating with periods of inactivity bait. At stationary fishing in the passive mode of expectation it is better to put on the ice 2-3 rods and holes to make across the wall — then the harvest area would be wider, because on steep slopes the difference in depth between even closely spaced wells can reach a meter or more.
Bait in moderation when fishing on the ponds is required. Prepared dry mixture of chopped components can be put directly on the surface of the water in the hole is a swelling, particles of bait will slowly sink to the bottom. Thus, the process of feeding greatly stretch over time, and the fish will not be satisfied too quickly.
For a long period of the captivity it is pond of minnows should be considered the fact that in reservoirs without currents and with a decent depth, they constantly live under the ice at positive water temperature, which is about four degrees. Therefore, to avoid thermal stress on the fish, it should be kept in conditions close to “fighting”, that is, when the winter water temperature in the reservoir. Besides, it does not have to frequently change the water in the Canner — it is well saturated with atmospheric oxygen. However, it cannot be stored minnows with other fish species, especially perch, ruffs, carp or Rotana, which could be detrimental minnows because of extraneous mucous secretions, sinks to the bottom of the vessel, where all the time are the minnows.
Special care must be taken when mounting the minnow on the hook zhivcova tackle — piercing under his dorsal fin, you should try not to touch the spine of the fish. The most gentle way of nailene should recognize the mounting on single hook over the upper lip. The gudgeon has not been released, derived through his lip sting put under the groove of the hook circle locking device of soft rubber with a diameter of 5-10 mm. In this case, the gudgeon long firing pin and walks well on a scaffold, but is often shot down when biting small or inactive predator.
Should not be gorlicach gudgeons to put a very heavy sinker, if this is not the usual zhivcova the Donk on the course — with such a sinker, the live bait quickly becomes exhausted. Gudgeon and so constantly tends to the bottom line and not spinning under light load, such as, for example, roach or bleak.