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Great gusts of soul

Why the first word of Pushkin’s famous line in Russia is constantly turns into a verb

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The story of paid extras, accompanied our team to the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, has caused a huge resonance not only because it adds to the scandal and without the most scandalous of Russia for the Olympics. But also because it reveals the degree of distrust of state structures to the people. The desire to control and direct even the most natural, normal to most in favor of the government, than harm, human feelings. Well, or to make some money on them.

It seemed that the news of the group of nine people who came to conduct his team for 500 rubles, do not attract much attention. In Russia every year takes a large number of events, where people go not just so, but the scale of the wires of the national team ten times more modest than a rally of any political party.

However, everything turned out exactly the opposite — Russians this story really touched much stronger than a regular epic about a foreign country or a luxury car of a high official.

Why the organizers of this action were so confident that would not find sufficient departure hall of Sheremetyevo airport, the number of Russians who would make our Olympians in Rio sincerely and free of charge, if they were informed about this possibility?

The polls show that despite all the “oldoneeye” scandals, investigations and suspension, the Russians continue to believe in our athletes. Only one publicized in the Russian and international TV channels picture tear Yelena Isinbayeva at the meeting of the Olympians with the President — if the organizers of the wires he wanted to — could put together a representative delegation of the real, not the fake mourners. And wouldn’t a few hundred people and several thousand.

Because, despite political views, the attitude of the Church, the “Spring package”, sporting achievement remains that the real “spiritual clamps”, uniting all Russians.

Alas, habit suppress, or lead (which is often the same thing) any initiative from below, completely distorting its original content, appeared not today and not yesterday.

Voluntary volunteer movement on the wave of record-breaking forest fire – 2010 power through administrative measures and the law on volunteers to put out much more effective and faster than forest fires.

The mass and received a sincere response among people of different views across all Russia the action “Immortal regiment” in the Russian political system is also very quickly adapted to suit your needs. In the end, again, the scandals thrown away immediately after the procession on Victory Day with portraits of war heroes, with voluntary-compulsory participation, with the Prosecutor of the Crimea Natalia Polonskaya, which was a portrait of Nicholas II, no relation to the heroes of the great Patriotic war, of course, did not have.

Even at the meetings-concerts in honor of the annexation of Crimea and rallies against terrorism we have managed to drive the “crowd”. Although it seems even then that the country’s leaders could count on the real, not the fake crowd. If I wanted to.

The constant attempts to control the Internet — from extrajudicial blocking of sites, to conform to popular bloggers to register as media — and can not speak. The most convenient tool for self-organization of people naturally became to power, the most dangerous opponent.

Why is this happening? Most likely, from the distrust of the people. From unbelief that they, the people, left without the supervision of a caring government, will commit any outrage, even the most politically innocent event. Some bosses still think that full control over the actions and feelings of people — the only reliable control method.

In addition, this overwhelming desire to turn into a breech fake even the most natural of human emotions is felt complex uselessness, fear of being irrelevant. Including those organizations, youth and adults who are actively developing the budgets allocated to “Patriotic education.” It is not excluded that one of these and decided to use the wires of the Olympians in their interests to have something to report then on progress. However, in the case of wires of the Russian athletes, they are substituted under fire of criticism themselves — after all, it allows critics to argue that all “bought and sold”.

The government believes himself to be the father of “the foolish children” and does not want to “let them go” in public places. And even more afraid that they suddenly began to live separately from parents.”

But this logic is very old and contrary to the logic of human development. We live in a world celebration of horizontal relationships, social networks — and not just virtual. These relationships are trying to adopt not only business but also public institutions.

Yes, we are terrified attacks and criticize the carelessness of other people’s intelligence, but in our world there is no way to control everything. “Too many decisions, too fast, about too many and too strange and unfamiliar challenges, and not imagined “lack of leadership” explains today, the sheer incompetence of political and governmental decisions. Our institutions are reeling from the explosion of decisions,” wrote the sociologist Alvin Toffler in the early eighties.

Countries with established political culture through a huge amount of trial and error already passed the stage of “containment” mass initiatives from below and attempts to manage them. Us the principles and boundaries of building a reasonable framework to be explored.

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