Home / Business / Glyuk’oza shocked neckline to the navel

Glyuk’oza shocked neckline to the navel


The singer Glyuk’oza not get tired to surprise fans: candid shots of the actress appear with enviable regularity, becoming more provocative. This time the star again threw the reins of conversation.

In Instagram the mum of two shared a photo made at the workplace. For a hike even on TV, the singer chose a very original neckline with the incision to the navel!

Bloggers are divided as always into two camps: some called for the star to come to their senses and cover at least from time to time of their charms. However, the majority of fans were delighted with this dress, his favorite: “Mega stylish)))”, “Beautiful!!!”, “This is the right neckline!”, “Very beautiful, like, wow!”, “From this dress code!!” (Spelling and punctuation authors — approx.ed.).

Recall that the singer recently became addicted to show the fans the most outstanding part of his body. She also she dedicated a song with the words: “Dance Russia and cry Europe I have the most, the most beautiful ass”. But the frame, which the artist recently shared in Instagram, outraged even seasoned.

However, Natalia does not pay attention to criticism nor followers, nor even his own mother-in-law, who also does not approve of my passion for my sister-in-law, and continues to shock the audience with provocative images.

Певица с мужем Александром Чистяковым

Наталья Ионова со свекровью отдыхает в Испании/instagram.com/chistyakova_ionova/

Наталья Ионова/Instagram

Наталья Ионова/Instagram

Певица опубликовала фото в купальнике и заявила, что не собирается скрывать свое тело из-за того, что она мама/Instagram

Наталья Ионова/Instagram

Наталья Ионова/Instagram

Наталья Ионова/Instagram

Наталья Ионова/Instagram

Наталья Ионова/Instagram

Наталья Ионова/Instagram

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