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From the big screen to TV: the demand for online movies is increasing every year

According to the newspaper “Kommersant”, the digital window (the interval between the release of the film in theaters and they premiere on the Internet) has decreased from 16 to 8-12 weeks. Among users of the Network the demand for online premieres is growing every month – the audience is getting used to watch movies at home, not in theaters. According to representatives of the cinema chains, it causes irreparable harm to the entire industry.

From the big screen to TV: the demand for online movies is increasing every year

If earlier, writes “Kommersant”, the emergence of legal copies of the films had to wait up to four months, at the present time these terms are being phased out. Online cinema Okko reports that long “window” is typical only for high-profile animated films and big blockbusters, while independent films and Russian cinema try to publish the web faster. Another example is the digital release of the domestic hit “the Crew”, which premiered on the Network took place six weeks after the release of the film on the big screen. The newspaper “Komersant” draws attention to the fact that the digital premiere of “Deadpool” and “Survivor” took place in ten weeks, and “the Martian” and “Agents of A. N. To.L. – 12.

Movie trailer “Deadpool”
According to Ivan Gorodeckogo from online cinema, Okko, who was quoted by “Kommersant”, long digital window due to the fear of foreign majors before piracy in Russia that could harm sales of DVDs and Blu-Ray.

Movie trailer “the Crew”
The representatives of cinemas think that’s too early online premieres of new films exclusively harm the business, because the audience, accustomed to the fact that the expected pattern fairly quickly appear on legitimate sites, just stops going to the movies. Distributors, especially those that do not depend on the Hollywood majors are trying to release your film in the Network as soon as possible – within four to eight weeks. This is due to the fact that a month after the premiere, with rare exceptions, the audience lose interest in certain movies, going to the cinema, and, consequently, cinemas reduce the number of sessions. According to the representative of the rental company “Volga” Artem Everblue, quoted by the edition “Kommersant”, often have the opportunity to increase profits at the expense of the early “delivery” of this content to the consumer. In particular, if one or another picture has already reached all key markets, it makes no sense to delay a digital release.

Trailer film “Love is not the size”

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