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Frightening tradition, which still adhere to the Chinese. Photo

Пугающие традиции, которых до сих пор придерживаются китайцы. ФотоIn spite of the Communist regime in China, a very strong religious component.

The people of China revered the cult of the ancestors and believe in life after death. But for ordinary Europeans, some traditions and customs may seem strange and even frightening.

1. The worship of ancestors

Пугающие традиции, которых до сих пор придерживаются китайцы. Фото

In Chinese religious practice, it is important that the cult of ancestors and burial traditions of the dead. The people of China it is important to follow all the customs at the funeral. Depends on whether the spirit of the deceased to take care of their relatives, or to harm them, finding no resting place.

2. Protected from evil spirits talismans,

Пугающие традиции, которых до сих пор придерживаются китайцы. Фото

The Chinese believe in various spirits that surround them everywhere. To protect themselves from evil demons and to bring good things, they use all sorts of talismans, amulets, painted images of demons on the walls.

3. The custom of “cleansing the bones”

Пугающие традиции, которых до сих пор придерживаются китайцы. Фото

In some areas of China practiced the custom of “cleansing the bones”. 10 years after burial, the corpse is dug up, the bones are washed and placed them in a ceramic pot.

4. Money for the dead

Пугающие традиции, которых до сих пор придерживаются китайцы. Фото

The Chinese believe that in the afterlife, as in real, would be superfluous banknotes. If a person lived a righteous life, then after death he was waiting for a decent “savings” that go to heaven.

5. Tanya exorcism

Пугающие традиции, которых до сих пор придерживаются китайцы. Фото

A kind of exorcism can be called a dance of the Haunch. Evil spirits are expelled by rhythmic movements using the white wide belts. During the dance vykruchivatsya the names of the demons, and then the white cloth is burned, symbolizing the cleansing.

6. “The month of ghosts”

Пугающие традиции, которых до сих пор придерживаются китайцы. Фото

The seventh month of the lunar year in China is called “the month of ghosts”. It is believed that at this time the spirits can enter the world of the living. The people of China during this period comply with strict rules of conduct so as not to anger the ghosts. Those people who are born in the month of ghosts” can celebrate birthdays only a day, not under cover of night.

7. To marry in the afterlife

Пугающие традиции, которых до сих пор придерживаются китайцы. Фото

If the deceased was not married in real life, then he can “pick up” a couple in the afterlife. To do this, take the remains of the deceased and perezahoranivayut them near the dead. China even has its own “black diggers” who steal bodies and sell them wishing to marry the deceased son or grandson.

8. Festival “Day Of The Spirit”

Пугающие традиции, которых до сих пор придерживаются китайцы. Фото

Another festival dedicated to spiritual powers, is called “Day of the spirit.” During the feast, God the guardian of the underworld in order to appease him, leave generous donations.

9. The decoration of the graves

Пугающие традиции, которых до сих пор придерживаются китайцы. Фото

Decorating graves is mandatory for all, respecting their ancestors in China. The graves are left money, food, that the spirit was boring.

10. Festival with 1000 years of history

Пугающие традиции, которых до сих пор придерживаются китайцы. Фото

Every year in spring Tibetan monks festival GUI Yes. It is a kind of feast of atonement, according to which the forces of light win dark. Monks dressed in horrible masks of demons and other evil creatures. This tradition is rooted in 1000 years of antiquity, but it is still done in compliance with all of the nuances.

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