Home / Economy / For Ukrainians poverty and debt to the IMF worse than separatism

For Ukrainians poverty and debt to the IMF worse than separatism

Для украинцев бедность и долги перед МВФ страшнее сепаратизма


The data of sociological surveys say that the current political course of Ukraine finally comes to a standstill. Pressing economic problems seem to citizens is paramount, and the war and separatism in the popular mind overshadowed.
This, in particular, the results of a survey conducted by the Center. Razumkov. In the study, respondents were 2019 respondents in all regions of Ukraine. Five of the most serious external threats from the point of view of national security of the country headed by such a threat: 4.4 out of 5 respondents rated financial problems which triggered by getting Ukraine into debt to foreign creditors and international financial institutions.
And only in second place with 4.3 points of 5 – of respondents see the threat of overt military aggression of a foreign state. Then, with 4.2 points, “hybrid war” (including trade, economic and energy pressure, hostile propaganda, support of separatist movements). Then there is international terrorism – 3.8. And the threat of an epidemic – similar to the 3.8.

Even more interesting assessment of internal threats. Headed by top-5 issues of corruption (including theft and illegal resale of property, nepotism, tender fraud, etc.). Respondents rated it at 4.6 out of 5. In second place was the long-term stay in a state of economic crisis, unemployment, falling income levels – 4.5 points. And only in third place is another trouble in Ukraine according to the rhetoric of the authorities – “the violence of armed gangs DND and LNR” 4.1 out of 5.
Interestingly, the next threat – the problem of oligarchic groups (lobbying at the state level) – Ukrainians are evaluated exactly the same as separatism, 4.1 points. That is, the oligarchy and separatism in the eyes of the people represent an equivalent problem, that speaks volumes. The increase in crime is estimated at 4 points.
In General, the picture is not in favor of the Ukrainian authorities. Among the external threats of aggression is given the second place among internal separatism was in third. It should also pay attention to other major problems – corruption, poverty, oligarchy. Out the Maidan not solved these eternal problems?
Recently passed another poll. The company Research&Branding Group tried to assess the welfare of the population. The results were also disappointing: 50% of respondents consider themselves poor. And only 41%, that is a smaller part of the respondents, consider themselves people of average income. Rich called himself only 1% of respondents. Characteristically, in terms of age groups among people aged over 60 years, that is, people of retirement age, the vast majority – 70% call themselves poor.
However, the expectations are quite pessimistic. 45% of all respondents exclude the possibility to improve their financial situation, 37% admit this is a low probability and only 8% allow it with high probability. In other words, 82% of respondents already do not expect European salaries.
It should be noted that the results of the company Research&Branding Group even better than the official opinion polls that periodically makes the SSSU. So, according to the results of the July survey, 72% of the population consider themselves poor. For comparison, in 2008 crisis year, the number was much less – 56.9%. In addition, 66% of respondents said that their financial position in comparison with last year has deteriorated markedly.+

Remember another recent poll on the subject to live in the country or “blame” abroad. So, according to the results, 65% of respondents would like to leave Ukraine.
In General sociological barometer shows that the public ship is clearly sailing in the wrong direction. Numerous studies converge in their assessments. Reform according to the precepts of the IMF increase of tariffs, cuts in the social sphere, uncontrollable inflation and other “charms” – driven society into poverty and hopelessness, about the society and report in surveys. And looking at the economic indicators, the opinion of people seems logical.
But the reaction of the authorities is surprising. Steering of Kiev stubbornly continue to implement measures that already make people be considered “hostile Russia” and Donetsk “separable” the lesser evil. It is a success.

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