Home / Money / For the Crimean bills you will get to the uranium mines of Ukraine

For the Crimean bills you will get to the uranium mines of Ukraine

За крымские купюры можно будет попасть на урановые рудники Украины


In the Russian media and social networks are discussing the imminent introduction of the new banknotes of 200 and 2000 rubles.

At the same time, few paid attention to the fact that the Russian bureaucracy is very cleverly switched the topic of discussion. Workers and retirees more say about whether there will be enough now them money for food, and will look like new bill.

Yes, what’s the difference, how will look like our money ! Importantly, to them it was possible though something to buy in the store. I hope you will agree with me that the value of money depends not on their brilliance, not on whether they depict lilliput or Gulliver, a king or a Kingslayer, and even the number of zeros on the bill, but on their purchasing power.

Recently I had the opportunity to see the draft of the new bill is 200 rubles with the image of the landscapes of the Crimea. Beautiful work bill. That’s just putting it into circulation in Russia may lead to a sharp deterioration of relations with Ukraine, Eastern and Western Europe.

Moreover, the appearance of banknotes in Russia with the Crimean landscapes may lead to aggravating the international situation. They say that the authorities of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia are now very afraid of the appearance in Russia of new banknotes with pictures of landscapes and cities of their countries.

Why are they afraid of this is not clear. Probably, they have such a whim. They used to say about some occupation, and now began to fear the voluntary accession. They’re strange…

We can safely assume that the introduction into circulation of new banknotes in Russia will not pass unnoticed in other countries. The fact that the emergence of 200 Russian ruble banknote depicting Crimea may lead to a ban of its import to Ukraine and possibly to the introduction of criminal penalties for possession of such bills by the citizens of Ukraine. So the lucky winner of the “Crimean” banknotes of the Bank of Russia may well be in the uranium mines of Ukraine.

It is noteworthy that Russian bureaucrats are not going to ban the possession of cash in US dollars in Russia. But it could be in response to U.S. sanctions ban on the import into Russia of not only American legs, but also American dollars.

By the way, why not send the Russian owners of suitcases of cash in U.S. dollars and foreign currency accounts offshore to the logging or uranium mines of Russia ? Nothing to worry this would not have happened without the Russian corrupt the lives of our workers would only improve !

(In world money)

Sergey Paliy.

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