Home / Economy / FOM: the majority of Russians do not expect an improvement in the financial situation in the coming year

FOM: the majority of Russians do not expect an improvement in the financial situation in the coming year

Two-thirds of Russians (62%) estimated their financial situation as average, less than one third (28%) – as poor and only 9% call their welfare is good. These are the results of a survey conducted by Fund “Public opinion” (FOM) in late February, reports “Interfax”.

Characterizing the material situation of their family, 34% of Russians said they have enough money for clothes, but not for the purchase of large household appliances, 28% have enough money for food but to buy clothes they can not. Another 17% have enough money for appliances, but they can’t afford to buy a car.

Meanwhile, money for food is lacking in 13% of the respondents.

Assessment a third of respondents (31%), their well-being in 2016 will not change. 28% of survey participants, held on 20-21 February among 1,500 respondents in 104 settlements of the 53 subjects of the Russian Federation, fear the worsening of their financial position in the coming year, and 17%, conversely, expect improvement.

One in four (23%) found it difficult to forecast.

Earlier, another FOM another study showed that the Russians felt and falling oil prices. Most citizens understand that the Russian economy depends on oil prices, found sociologists from the organization. Two-thirds of respondents noticed negative effects of the decline in oil prices and called them poor.

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