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Folk remedies will help cure a sore throat

Народные средства помогут вылечить больное горлоSore throat is one of the first symptoms of a cold. If the disease has a viral nature and occurs in mild form, to cope with painful feelings you can own.

The main thing is to start treatment on time – at the first unpleasant symptoms. What can be done? There are many home and folk methods of treatment of sore throat. The experts picked the most effective recipes.

TOP 7 popular recipes for sore throat:

1. A half Cup of sea buckthorn berries chop and pour a glass of hot water. Gargle with this mixture every two hours. Additionally, you can lubricate the tonsils with sea buckthorn oil.

2. If you are not allergic to honey and other bee products, take advantage of their healing properties. Pharmacy buy propolis tincture. Dilute 30 drops in one tablespoon of warm boiled water and drink after meals. Try not to eat anything or drink for 30 minutes. Take tincture twice a day, morning and evening.

3. Use proven folk remedy: a glass of hot milk, add 0.5 teaspoons of baking soda. Drink three times a day. Alkaline water will soften the pain in inflamed throat.

4. Brew in a thermos for 5 g of dried or fresh raspberry leaves and mother-and-stepmother in a glass of boiling water and steep for 8 hours. Rinse your throat and make inhalation of heated (in any case not hot!) infusion.

5. To improve health can help, and onion-honey syrup. For its preparation chop the peeled onions into small cubes and mix it with honey. The onions should be completely covered with honey. Leave the mixture to infuse overnight, then drain the onion slices and take the syrup during the day on a teaspoon.

6. Another effective prescription gargle is sage tea. Take 1 teaspoon of herb to one Cup of boiling water. Steep for ten minutes, then strain. Ready infusion add 1 teaspoon of Apple cider vinegar and honey. Gargle four times a day.

7. Reduce inflammation and turmeric. Mix a glass of hot water with 1/2 teaspoon turmeric and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Gargle the resulting solution twice a day.

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