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Fitness tips for those who are lazy to do sports

 Фитнес-советы для тех, кто ленится заниматься спортомThe main thing – not to give in to laziness.

Each of us once in life wanted to do with themselves, their appearance, to enroll in the gym and change your life for the better. The most difficult thing in sports is to begin.

However, to force myself to continue, too, can be difficult, especially if you do not see instant results.

These 20 tips will help those who are lazy and looking for another excuse to miss a workout.

Life hacks fitness trainer: how to get in shape

1. Practice in the morning

Start your day with a workout. Excuses that you are tired after a hard day of work or not enough time in the room due to the evening traffic jams, immediately lose meaning.

2. Less is better

Short and intense workout is always better than long, during which you are so tired that you will force yourself to do regular exercise. It is not good to bring, and at some point you just throw to do.

3. Combine workout

Combine cardio with power exercises. 30 minutes will take less time and be more efficient.

4. Break is like a mini-workout

Even watching TV can be helpful. During the next commercial, instead of running to the fridge for a sandwich, do a few reps of some exercises.

5. Do exercises lying down

It is no secret that all lazy I like to lie on the couch. Combine the pleasant with the useful: find exercises that you can do lying down on the floor or even in the morning in bed, only opening her eyes.

6. Get ready for a workout in the evening

Prepare your bag in advance. The next day you don’t have to rush around the apartment before leaving the house, remembering where are the sneakers and form. You will not be late for training, and the risk of forgetting something useful is close to zero.

7. Exercise with friends

Together is always more fun than one, so buy a gym membership along with my best friend. Now there always will be people that will remind that today the training. And to abandon the lessons will be harder, because hardly anyone wants to look weak in the eyes of his friend!

8. The more you walk

It is not necessary to use public transport or to drive, if you can get to your destination on foot or by bike. To walk in the fresh air and to get rid of from extra calories — what could be better?

9. Find a pre-workout

Never exercise on an empty stomach. There are plenty of recipes for light and healthy meals that you can eat before training. It will give you strength and energy.

10. Not in a hurry

Count their own strength. Do not just take on serious weight and doing many repetitions. Start small and gradually increase the load.

11. Practice not only in the gym

Try to do sports in real life. Rise on toes, when you stand in line or do small exercises while brushing your teeth. Try to learn from any situation of everyday health benefits.

12. Turn exercise into a habit

Try to do every week on the same days. Over time, exercise will become a habit and turn into the same pleasant experience like viewing a new movie in the cinema.

13. Drink more water

A day a person should drink at least two liters of water (that’s pure water, not tea, juice or other liquid). The more you drink, the better during a workout will burn your fat.

14. Practice for 10 minutes

Excuses that you have no time for gym, don’t work anymore. There is a huge amount of 10-minute workouts, for which the time is always there. Believe me, they are also effective.

15. Caffeine to the rescue

All day fall asleep on the go and because of that decided in the evening not to go to the gym? Better brew a Cup of coffee or green tea — it will immediately help you cheer up and add strength for your workout.

16. Reward yourself

Each tape needs to be an incentive. Allow yourself to eat a small piece of cake (small piece) after a good workout or to go on the weekend to a club with friends, if you do not miss out on a week of no classes. The higher you set goals, the steeper should be the reward (a small piece of delicious cake).

17. Work with small weights

Some cardio to get rid of excess weight will not work. Without strength training the desired result will have to wait much longer. If you are afraid immediately to approach the trainer, then start small. For example, with the tiny dumbbells weighing 0.5 kg (for girls) or 2 kg (for boys).

18. Update the tape in social networks

Subscribe to accounts of famous athletes and fitness models. Photos in the feed will be constantly reminded that perfection has no limits and you have something to strive for.

19. Find a mentor

Motivational photos in the feed Instagram is cool, but it is better to find such a person at my gym. Sign up to a personal trainer and a fitness instructor who will become an example for you and make the visit room from a boring routine in the hobby.

20. Get enough sleep

For full recovery you need 7-9 hours of healthy sleep every night. A great argument for those who can’t stand up to an alarm clock and loves to lie under the duvet for an extra half hour.

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