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Fishing in may

There is probably no better time for fishing than April and may. Let the fishermen are limited by the terms and conditions of the spring spawning prohibition, but it is filled with the smell of melt water, cherry blossom and “fight” nightingales, drunk from the spring. Over the river, cold and gray morning of frost, songs of morning birds fill the chest with joy and peaceful calm. That’s the main thing in today hurried and materialistic routine.

This is also so good wrote Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov in the nineteenth century: “On the green, flowery banks, over the dark depths of the river or lake… settles imaginary passion, blows over the imaginary storm, scattering the proud dreams, will spread false hopes! Nature will take its eternal law”. Remember?.. Nothing has changed. And all that was important in the nineteenth century, remained, only there were computers, navigators, and fewer fish…

Of course, we should not forget about such an important feature of spring fishing – no or almost no mosquitoes… Yes, let the angler accustomed to that Russian scourge on our rivers and lakes, but how many happy moments spoil these gossie pack of bloodsuckers!.. So spring fishing.

Simple nozzle

At this time in Rutki, in truth, to do almost nothing. In mid-may, the roach-roach has risen to the upper, and now only wait for her return, when exhausted by spawning fish, going down to the Volga river, will be on the way to grab the bait. But to get to these days of her return “home” and the rise of sorage in the upper reaches to spawn, pure lottery. How lucky…

In the morning I go along the river, throwing the feeder encountered in all pits. Morning spent wasted on one place, hoping the fish come to the bait. But only pecking of the smaller local plotnicki and usterki. However, there was a good period, fish yield, but too short. This happened potamo, before dawn. Since I arrived the night before, the tackles were cast into the twilight so haphazard. Burbot do not take, and therefore it was possible to hope only on random preposturous fish, which is not “sleep”. While engaged in a fire pit, forest brewed tea with wild rose and currant buds, collecting firewood for the night, as night has already exceeded the second half. It was first seen in pale-pink, and then scarlet strip under heavy dark-blue sky.

At this time, and strums the bell on the feeder. Ran to the rod, hooking and bringing to the surface a good white bream. Wow! Five hundred grams there are in fish. Here the ground spoke up. These fishing rods with little bells on the tips of flexible serve me for long enough. And I don’t even replace the conventional fiberglass “telescopes” on a modern composite or carbon fiber rods. And catch heavy glass santimetrovy.

Now the tip of the donkey twitched from the sudden jerks. Vyvazhivaete small bream. Here was planted the worm. And on the hook of the feeder, I remember that I planted as a check for the pellets cool monkey. The bream there was two times larger than this that have taken on the worm. Semolina and nasazhivajut on a hook trotlines.

Something early fish switched to flour and plant tips. Although… it All depends, apparently, on water temperature. Now, in comparison with air, the water seemed very warm, almost summery. Perhaps it’s time for the fish to adapt to summer conditions.

The bite was fun. The feeder, the ground was shaken from the blows to it, and on the line of the spring resisted skimmers. I was already sure that he was on spring zhor bream as the fish unexpectedly stopped taking. Trite saying, cut off… And this coincided with the rise of the morning sun over the teeth of the undergrowth on the opposite Bank. Classic! Only classic strange, more suitable for a hot July.

When the sun rose and everything was color and bright, even the local saraiki and usterki palm began to bite slowly and rarely. All… you Can go home. And then in the pit hit the tail matyora fish! And the surge was close to the feeder. Like IDE or Chub. But clearly the big fish were feeding on top. How to take it?

As if in answer to my thoughts, the trail descended a young boy with the usual float rod, and already half-forgotten bamboo, which can now be found, probably only in the closet of some uncle Vasya, you see alive dear Leonid Ilyich… Who remembers the so-called Brezhnev.

The boy went a little farther, stopped at a small amuda, where the water was going around for a fallen tree, threw his primitive tackle and squatted down. A long wait he didn’t: on the surface of the pit spun the breaker, and a bright plastic float disappeared under the water. The circles on the line came in some kind of silvery fish, glittering in the sunlight, and old gold. It was IDE and, judging by the Golden shimmer of scales, rather large. And so it proved. The boy calmly brought the fish to the feet and lifted her off the hook. Putting the IDE in a canvas bag hanging at his side, he again threw his bamboo pole. Rude and fake brightly colored float from the set of young fisherman lying directly on the surface of the pit, and hook with a nozzle hanging out in the jet flow.

– The lucky kettle the first time – it was thought condescending. – Careful not to IDE such a set. Beginners are always lucky in the beginning.

Only it was thought, and the boy has already pulled a second IDE. But it fell, breaking off a thick fishing line. The second IDE was bigger.

When the neighbor brought another IDE and put it in the bag, I broke down and went to the lucky angler.

– Hey, colleague! With good luck!
– Thank you. You like?
– In the morning catch of bream, and then – as cut off.
– And you IDE catch.
– Yes, I can already see that takes IDE, but on the feeder from the bottom doesn’t want.
– No, he on top feeds now and nothing to split hairs is not necessary. Skewer black bread and all. Enough, only noise is.
– Bread?!

It turned out that the boy the village and had time to study the habits of the IDE, which at this time is better here takes bread and peas. And most often, the IDE grabs the hook with a rye bread crumb, and on top, in the jet over the pit. But usually the one place you can not catch more than two fish, and then we need to find a new place. Fishing chassis, interesting.

The rest of the day and evening I dedicated this unsophisticated fishing, refitting a ground rod under the float rod and had caught a couple of ides. And in the morning semolina again took skimmers. Season on the Rutki closed adequately.

On outlet with live bait

After the may holidays decided with a friend to shake it up and go somewhere far away. Tired and barbecues on the banks of the river of our suburban, and even spring carp-aliens who have risen from the Volga. These silvery and powerful fish, which in the Volga Delta styled American – Buffalo – climbed through the Small and Big Kokshaga in our forest place and started in the spring to bite greedily and uncompromising. But fishing at the city quickly tired of the noise of “civilization”, the walking screams of the audience, and the carp had moved away, taking less and less. And with Pasha, we decided to visit Rutka. On this tributary of the Volga in the spring usually rises to the spawning bream, IDE, roach-roach. However, the time course is over, but who knows, maybe something is biting now? In short, went, as usual in Russia, what to look for…

On the Rutki – complete silence. As expected, all self-respecting “Belle” has already passed in the upper reaches and now, perhaps, spawns or already brushed aside the eggs in the warm waters and the reeds of the upper techology. Maybe so the fish descends down to free the Volga expanses and deep eyebrows. But while on our fishing rods across a small of Soroki and perch. Gusarka palm was already considered a decent catch.

One of hasty bites, it’s probably just another small little sorojchi I did not even bother to respond. Was too lazy to lift the rod up over nothing paunchy… But it’s so I pulled the rod that I pulled off of his chair. The rod bent and the line twitched some big fish. Pike!.. Had to pull it with no doubt. The metal leash because there is no cut. And precisely – cut, but on the shore.
After we catch pike with Pasha built zhivtsovy rods. Was going to put the bait on their small srokami of the cage, but they all swam up “belly”. The water is warm, could not stand fish tank filled with distress. Had “to scratch turnip”. And the solution is found. Of the feeders made the tackle with drain leash, where the leash metre was crowned with a large hook with a live bait drowning. Tackle known catchability. However, usually the bait were silicone trompe l’oeil, and more recently – from the “edible rubber”.

But a drowning of plitvicki worked quite effectively, sparkling and ranging at the time of posting above the sinker running along the sandy bottom. Four good pike we pulled out with the Pasha this morning. And this exit Rutka, though not at the time, was not empty. Pike was rescued…


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